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Chongqing International Cultural Tourism Industry Expo 2020

Comprehensive / Cross-industry


2020/10/15 - 10/18 (Thur To Sun Total 4 Days)    Error Correction


Yubei District · Chongqing Chongqing International Expo Center ChinaChongqingYubei District 66 Yuelai Avenue, Yubei District, Chongqing


Chongqing daily group, Chongqing Yuelai Investment Group Co., Ltd


Chongqing Daily Group Culture Exhibition Co., Ltd



1、 Exhibition name

Chongqing International Cultural Tourism Industry Expo 2020 (offline)

2020 Chongqing International Cultural Tourism Industry Cloud Expo (online)

2、 Time and place

Offline exhibition time: October 15-18, 2020

Venue: Chongqing International Expo Center

Online exhibition time: October 12-31, 2020

Main display platforms: , new Chongqing, upstream news, Chongqing daily

3、 Exhibition theme

Cultural tourism exchange, cultural tourism trade and cultural tourism integration

4、 Exhibition orientation

The stage for the innovation of cultural and tourism promotion mechanism;

The city's "sun tourism boutique · sun cultural and creative products" series of results of the centralized display;

Online and offline linkage of tourism products, cultural and creative products trading platform.

5、 Organizational form

(1) Guidance unit

Propaganda Department of Chongqing Municipal CPC Committee

Chongqing culture and Tourism Development Committee

(2) Organizer

Chongqing Daily Group

Chongqing Yuelai Investment Group Co., Ltd

(3) Co Organizer

Chongqing People's Association for friendship with foreign countries, Chongqing returned overseas Chinese Federation, Chongqing Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League, Chongqing women's Federation, Chongqing Federation of cultural and art circles, Chongqing Radio and Television Group (Headquarters), Hongyan line management center, Chongqing China Three Gorges Museum, Chongqing Publishing Group, Chongqing Xinhua Bookstore Group, Chongqing cultural investment group, Sichuan Academy of fine arts, Chongqing Performing arts group, Chongqing culture and Tourism Association, Chongqing culture and Tourism Industry Promotion Association, Chongqing Newspaper Association, Chongqing Advertising Association, Chongqing Creative Designers Association, Chongqing arts and Crafts Industry Association, Chongqing cultural and Art Industry Association, Chongqing Calligraphers Association, Chongqing Artists Association, Chongqing Exhibition Industry Association, Chongqing Photographers Association, Chongqing Arts and Crafts Industry Association Chongqing auction industry association, Chongqing catering industry association, Chongqing Micro Enterprise Association, etc.

6、 Main activities

(1) Opening ceremony and signing ceremony of cultural tourism industry development cooperation project

Time: 9:30-11:00, October 15, 2020.

Venue: Chongqing International Expo Center.

Contents: the municipal leaders delivered speeches and announced the opening ceremony, the representatives of the guiding units, the organizers, the international organizations and the relevant government leaders witnessed on the stage, and the cultural tourism investment projects were signed.

(2) Leader Tour

Time: 10:00-11:00, October 15, 2020.

Venue: Chongqing International Expo Center.

(3) Summit Forum and activities

1. Cultural and tourism integration Summit Forum of Shuangcheng economic circle

Time: October 15, 2020

Venue: Chongqing Yuelai International Conference Center

Main contents: during the Chongqing cultural and Tourism Expo, we organized the "cultural and tourism integration Summit Forum of the two cities economic circle", invited famous experts, scholars and officials from the domestic cultural and tourism circles as well as Sichuan and Chongqing to give keynote speeches and round table salons, and jointly discussed the construction of Chengdu Chongqing economic circle and the trend of cultural and tourism integration and industrial development in the new era.

2. Series of "culture and tourism industry development" Summit

Time: October 15-18, 2020

Venue: Chongqing Yuelai International Conference Center

Main contents: during the Chongqing culture and Tourism Expo, a series of summit and forum activities related to the "development of culture and tourism industry" will be organized by industry and area to concentrate Western cultural and creative projects, museums, literature and art, tourist attractions, intangible cultural heritage, etc., reflecting a strong academic atmosphere.

3. National docking meeting of excellent cultural and tourism projects

Time: October 15-18, 2020

Venue: Chongqing International Expo Center

Main contents: during the Chongqing culture and Tourism Expo, the Ministry of culture and tourism of China will organize excellent cultural and tourism projects to conduct docking and exchange at the site of Chongqing culture and Tourism Expo, so as to build an important platform for the docking of Chongqing cultural tourism industry and national cultural and tourism resources.

4. The opening ceremony of cultural tourism consumption season in autumn 2020

Time: October 15-18, 2020

Venue: Chongqing International Expo Center

Main contents: the opening ceremony of the cultural tourism benefiting people season, one of the important municipal cultural tourism activities, was implanted into the scene of Chongqing Cultural Tourism Expo, setting off a climax of cultural benefiting people. We should promote the linkage development of cultural tourism, create characteristic cultural tourism brand, and cultivate cultural tourism consumption concept.

5. Theme activities of Chinese traditional culture research

Time: October 15-18, 2020

Venue: Chongqing International Expo Center

Main contents: docking with the Municipal Youth League Committee and the Municipal Education Committee, we will carry out the research and learning practice activity of "praising traditional culture", organize University and middle school students to observe the scene of the cultural fair, and launch the online selection activity of "praising traditional culture".

(4) Chongqing Cultural Tourism Expo on cloud

Time: October 12-31, 2020

Main contents: "Chongqing culture and Tourism Expo" has carried out cloud extension for s times, actively explored the "double line exhibition" mode, and built online exhibition and exchange platform. Exhibitors can timely update the dynamic exhibits, link with "yunshang Hotel" in districts and counties of the city, build the city's culture and tourism online promotion platform, and promote online transactions. The online exhibition will be held from October 12 to October 31, 2020, creating a "never ending" Chongqing culture and Tourism Expo.

1. Exhibition form: combined with double sun, VR technology is used to bring online participants into VR scene and bring online participants immersive experience. Using digital exhibition technology, the offline exhibition hall will be synchronized to the online, the booth will be partitioned, and the online classified synchronous display.

2. Exhibition Service: the cloud Expo is not simply moving the offline exhibition to the online, nor simply getting through the online and offline. Cloud exhibition mode is based on "online and offline two wheel drive", which extends more innovative services and brings cross industry integration and upgrading. With the two dimensions of "online exhibition" and "smart venue", we will help the 2020 Chongqing International Cultural Tourism Industry Expo to realize the intelligent exhibition mode.

[online exhibition assistance] the cloud Expo will support exhibitors to display their exhibitors through graphics, video, 3D and live broadcast. And provide live exhibition, digital exhibition hall, live conference and information security needs matching.

(1) Reservation registration: organize professional visitors related to culture, culture and innovation to register their real names on the website of Chongqing International Cultural Tourism Industry Cloud Expo 2020, and the system conducts offline diversion guidance for visitors according to the reservation situation.

(2) Live exhibition and sales: combined with double sun, 3D / VR technology is used to bring online participants into 3D / VR scene, and the online exhibition space of virtual and real combination brings online participants immersive experience.

(3) Digital Pavilion: the offline Pavilion will be synchronized to the online Pavilion, the booth will be partitioned, and the online exhibition will be classified and synchronized.

(4) Live broadcast of the conference: the 2020 Chongqing International Cultural Tourism Industry Cloud Expo website is connected with the live broadcast platform of the offline Expo, and the PV volume of the website and the live broadcast platform is increased through the website drainage to the offline live broadcast platform.

[smart venue] through the construction of the G-Network of Chongqing International Cultural Tourism Industry Cloud Expo 2020, online and offline connection, online booking, offline presentation of Yukang code, extension of intelligent guidance and intelligent travel and other smart venue services are provided for visitors to offline exhibitions.

(1) Intelligent guidance: online services such as traffic guidance, time guidance, people flow guidance, digital exhibition hall and visit guidance can improve the efficiency and satisfaction of offline exhibition service.

(2) Smart travel: with the mode of "reasonable allocation of online resources, efficient and high-quality operation offline", we can guide and dredge the traffic of offline expositions, so as to avoid traffic congestion, excessive concentration of people and other problems.

(5) Theme Exhibition

1. "Double sun" fusion exhibition area

Theme: tourism products and cultural and creative products

Overview: focus on the new format of "culture +" brought by Chongqing and local government groups. The second season's large-scale cultural and tourism promotion activities of "double sun" in the districts and counties of the city are mainly displayed.

Exhibition categories: District and county government groups, cultural tourism brand enterprises, scenic spots, characteristic cultural tourism commodities, famous agricultural products, travel agencies, hot springs, hotels, investment and financing project transactions and cultural new business types.

2. Sichuan Chongqing urban demonstration area

Theme: national strategy, interaction between two cities

Overview: it mainly shows the achievements of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities in the reform of cultural and tourism system and mechanism, the development achievements and local investment and financing policies in the key areas of cultural tourism integration industry, and the achievements of cultural tourism in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. Focus on promoting the cultural and tourism industry cooperation of Chengdu Chongqing urban agglomeration, and build Chongqing cultural and Tourism Expo into a new platform to implement the construction strategy of Chengdu Chongqing urban agglomeration and a cultural and tourism business card to show the achievements of deepening reform and opening up in the new era. Focusing on the integrated development cities adjacent to Chengdu and Chongqing, the region highlights cultural tourism cooperation and integrated development, and cooperatively displays the innovative development achievements of cultural tourism industry in Chengdu Chongqing urban agglomeration.

Exhibition categories: government groups, cultural tourism brand enterprises, scenic spots, investment and financing project transactions and cultural new business types.

3. the Belt and Road Initiative exchange zone

Theme: "the Belt and Road Initiative", international exchange

Overview: relying on the rich cultural tourism resources along the Silk Road, the region implements the national "the Belt and Road Initiative" initiative, inherits and carries forward the spirit of the Silk Road, fully displays the historical achievements of cultural exchanges and tourism exchanges, and promotes cultural tourism exchanges and trade between China and countries along the silk road.

Exhibition category: traditional arts and crafts, creative design, intangible cultural heritage, cultural tourism, cultural education, film and television performance, etc. organized by embassies and consulates of various countries and regions along the "the Belt and Road Initiative".

4. Cultural tourism integration interactive area

Theme: industrial upgrading, experience fun

Overview: the attraction of the area is mainly leisure tourism and immersive experience, integrating leisure tourism and outdoor products, intelligent digital cultural and tourism equipment, health care holiday tourism, health care Town, tourism real estate into live performance and creative show, theme park and film city projects. The refinement and experience of urban culture will be added with high-tech elements, "virtual singer singing", high-tech experience theme, smart companion robot, etc. will be brought to the scene to bring more and better tourism products to the public.

Exhibition categories: Cultural Tourism equipment enterprises, Internet high-tech enterprises, health care holiday tourism, health care Town, tourism real estate, medical tourism projects, film and television parks, performance agencies, cultural and creative E-Commerce Association, etc.

5. Animation game experience area

Theme: Fashion animation, creative competition

Overview: this area mainly focuses on animation peripheral display and game experience. Popular game competition, COSPLAY reality show and Chinese culture situation show are implanted into the site to attract animation and game lovers to participate in interactive experience.

Display category: game platform, animation enterprise, animation peripheral products, animation creative market, etc.

6. Industrial theme Innovation Zone

Theme: diversified development, industrial integration

Overview: Based on the interaction and integration of cultural industry and multiple industries, the region introduces the concepts of culture + sports, culture + agriculture, culture + diet, culture + education, culture + park and culture tourism + finance. With cultural tourism industrial park, B & B, education industry, agricultural theme park and sports industry as the leading industries, we will introduce policy financing guarantee funds, insurance companies, banks, etc. to provide credit enhancement financing solutions that meet the needs, and accelerate the diversified development of cultural tourism + mode.

Exhibition categories: Cultural Industry Park, financing guarantee fund related companies, insurance companies, banks, specialty catering, educational and cultural institutions, agricultural culture park and e-commerce, sports industry and sports performance, etc.

7. Intangible cultural heritage Gongmei trading area

Theme: folk heritage, carry forward culture

Overview: combined with the implementation of the revitalization plan of traditional crafts and the research and training plan of intangible cultural heritage inheritors, we will organize the exhibition of intangible cultural heritage projects and products, focus on the display of traditional folk handicrafts, traditional folk art works and crafts, and intangible cultural heritage protection achievements, so as to create and carry forward the cultural brand of the Chinese nation. In addition, it also organizes the evaluation and high-level discussion and exchange activities of the national industrial and artistic industry.

Exhibition categories: folk art, handmade porcelain, embroidery, carving and weaving, and overseas intangible cultural heritage. Arts and Crafts Master works, ceramic crafts, mahogany art, embroidery and weaving crafts, contemporary crafts, folk crafts and jewelry.

8. Life aesthetics Art Zone

Theme: cultural creativity, leading fashion

Overview: focusing on highlighting the connotation of creative design and culture and art, it focuses on displaying modern, fashionable and creative cultural products and works of art, including graphic design, home design, packaging design, industrial design, fashion design and all kinds of fine arts. Art institutions, gallery exhibition areas and fashion design institutions Exhibition areas are set up, and the categories of works on display cover easel painting and sculpture Photography, antique jewelry, creative design, fashion creativity, image authorization, art authorization derivatives, s luxury, etc. At the same time, theme seminars, art forums, collection lectures and auction activities will be held to promote the marketization and industrialization of Chinese fashion design products and calligraphy and painting art works, and promote Chinese fashion design products and calligraphy and painting art works to the world.

Exhibition categories: Museum, painting, sculpture, photography, antique jewelry, creative design, fashion creativity, image authorization, art authorization derivatives, etc,

9. Digital publishing convergence zone

Theme: cultural tourism innovation, media integration

Overview: in depth implementation of the cultural boutique project, focusing on the display of new products, new technologies and new formats of featured cultural tourism industry, red culture, rural culture, digital publishing integration development and media integration development, as well as the dissemination and popularization of new modes, new concepts and new ideas of media integration. At the same time, we should vigorously promote the nationwide reading, strengthen the popularization of science, appropriately display excellent books and characteristic books, build the copyright trading and publishing industry chain, and prosper the creation and production of cultural excellent works.

Exhibition categories: cultural enterprises, digital publishing, fine books, financial media, cultural and creative products.

10. Performance culture exhibition area

Theme: enriching life and yearning for beauty

Overview: with socialism with Chinese characteristics entering a new era, people's demand for a better life is growing, the market scale of the performing arts industry is expanding, and its driving role in the cultural and tourism industry is becoming increasingly prominent. It involves the service consumption of many cultural and creative industries: audio-visual, media, visual arts, performing arts, crafts and design, fashion design, etc. The performing arts industry is becoming the best carrier to promote the integrated development of cultural industry, creative industry and tourism industry. Gather all kinds of development factors, give full play to the role of the performing arts industry in urban development and cultural transformation and upgrading, create a platform for Chongqing to display, promote, incubate and trade performing resources, and play an important role in resource docking and efficiency empowerment.

Display category:

(1) Performing arts cultural unit

Art troupes, Sichuan Opera Troupe, folk music troupe, acrobatic troupe and other art performance groups, tourism performance, z-name intangible cultural heritage performance groups, etc.

(2) Performing Arts Theater

Key performance theaters, large performance companies with performance venues, theater operation and management companies, etc.

(3) Acting agent

Acting agencies, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, international performance companies, international artists training institutions, model companies, etc.

(4) Art Education

Various art colleges, large-scale art training institutions, etc.


Costs & Precautions

Please contact with the organizer before the exhibition.


  • Telephone:023-61979038、61979058
  • Mobile:13883036061、18883491808
  • Fax:023-61979058
  • E-mail:3302308299@qq.com


The information on this site comes from the network and related members, and the website has done its duty to review it. Due to the uncontrollability of the process of organizing the exhibition, some of the exhibition information in the station may change the subject matter, Extending or cancelling the event, please exhibitors and visitors must check with each other again before exhibiting! All the exhibitions in this site are not hosted/co-organized or organized, if there are any disputes during the exhibition, please hold the main responsibility of the exhibition organization! QQ Email: 523138820@qq.com WeChat: 523138820 Mobile: 15313206870


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