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The 2024 Shandong Province Smart Elderly Care Industry Exhibition will be held in Jinan from May 27-29

Biology / Medicine / Health


Once a year


2024/05/27 - 05/29 (Mon To Wed Total 3 Days)    Error Correction


Jinan Jinan Yellow River International Convention and Exhibition Center ChinaShandong ProvinceJinan CityJiyang County About 180 meters north of Greenland International Expo City on the Dongzheng Line in Jiyang District, Jinan City


Shandong Urban Economics Society


Shandong Flying Shark International Exhibition Co., Ltd



The 2024 Shandong Province Smart Elderly Care Industry Exhibition will be held in Jinan from May 27-29 - www.globalomp.com

The 2024 Shandong Province Smart Elderly Care Industry Exhibition will be held in Jinan from May 27-29 - www.globalomp.com

Developing elderly care technology and promoting the construction of elderly care industry, the 2024 China (Shandong) International Smart Elderly Care Industry Exhibition will be grandly held from May 27-29;

Summary of the Conference - China (Shandong) International Smart Pension Industry Exhibition, also known as China (Jinan) International Old age Services Exhibition, was established in 2019. It is regularly held in May each year in the provincial capital of Jinan and is a regular event for the development of the smart pension industry. Thanks to the various policies promoted by the country and Shandong Province in recent years to promote the development of the elderly care industry, and in line with the trend of aging in China, the organizing committee is committed to organizing the CSOLDE Shandong Elderly Expo as a grand event with rapid integration of domestic and international elderly care industry development, actively seeking the well-being of elderly people throughout the country. The conference is based in Jinan, gathering globally leading elderly care application technology, intelligent hardware, smart technology, etc., integrating domestic and foreign media resources from various industries, and providing exhibitors with pre - and during exhibition promotional tasks. Centered in Shandong Province, we deeply invite buyers and customers from the national elderly care industry to visit and trade, radiating our influence to the national elderly care market. Collaborate with multiple development funds to hold multiple investment and financing summits for elderly care and technology, providing more financing channels for the development of enterprises and empowering the development of the national elderly care industry.

The 6th China (Shandong) International Smart Elderly Care Industry Exhibition in 2024

The 2024 sixth China (Shandong) International Smart pen Industry Exhibition

The 6th China (Jinan) International Elderly Care Service Industry Exhibition in 2024

The 2024 sixth China (Jinan) International Old age Services Exhibition

Implementation time: May 27-29, 2024

Exhibition Hall: Jinan Yellow River International Convention and Exhibition Center

This year's Outlook - The conference will use six exhibition halls, N2, N3, N4, N5, N6, and N7, from the Jinan Yellow River International Convention and Exhibition Center, with a total exhibition area of 60000 square meters. The exhibition will include: elderly care service exhibition area, elderly care products exhibition area, smart elderly care exhibition area, elderly medical and rehabilitation auxiliary equipment exhibition area, elderly living and living real estate exhibition area, and accessible living exhibition area. At that time, 1200 domestic and foreign enterprises will participate in the exhibition, showcasing over 15000 cutting-edge elderly care technologies, products, and services. The rich exhibits will attract 100000 domestic and foreign buyers to visit and trade, and the effective transaction scale on site will reach over 50 billion yuan, with 70% of exhibitors receiving effective orders on site.

Media support - to further strengthen the position of the conference in the development of the elderly care market, and to further enhance the influence and coverage of the conference at home and abroad; This year, we will increase investment in publicity funds and strive to collaborate with thousands of media outlets. Coverage: Short videos, mainstream news, broadcasting, in car advertising, building elevators and other media resources, spreading the exhibition concept and platform value of the conference, deeply expanding the conference's message on the buyer side, and attracting more elderly care industry buyers to come to the scene for communication, cooperation, and trade. Based on the registration order of exhibitors, we will provide pre promotion work for each exhibitor to enhance their market awareness and influence, targeting the company and products. Partial cooperative media displays: China Economic Herald, Peninsula News, Rizhao News, Heze Radio and Television, Luzhong Net, Changjiang Daily, Huachen Evening News, Taiyuan Daily, Binzhou Net, Fenghuang Net, Lengshuijiang News, Shaanxi Net, Shiyan Evening News, Dezhou News, Henan Daily, Yanzhao Evening News, Huaxia Xiaokang Net, Bazhong Net, Dunhua News, Qinchu Net, Anhui Business Daily, etc.

Organizer: Shandong Flying Shark International Exhibition Co., Ltd

Shandong flying shark International Exhibition Co., Ltd


Smart elderly care products and technology

Costs & Precautions

Please contact the exhibition organizer for implementation before participating in the exhibition.

The 2024 Shandong Province Smart Elderly Care Industry Exhibition will be held in Jinan from May 27-29 - www.globalomp.com


  • Company:Shandong Flying Shark International Exhibition Co., Ltd
  • Telephone:13658605227
  • Truename:Mr. Zhang
  • E-mail:554817120@qq.com
  • Address:Jinan City, Shandong Province


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