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2024 China Life Science Conference and 2024 China Life Science Expo

Biology / Medicine / Health


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2024/06/01 - 06/03 (Sat To Mon Total 3 Days)    Error Correction


Guangdong China Import and Export Fair Exhibition Hall (Canton Fair Exhibition Hall) ChinaGuangdong ProvinceGuangzhou CityHaizhu District No. 380 Yuejiang Middle Road, Haizhu District, Guangzhou City


Guangdong Benchmark Exhibition Co., Ltd


Guangzhou Navigation Exhibition Co., Ltd


Shenzhen Biomedical Promotion Association, Shanghai Biomedical Technology Development Center, Dongguan Medical Device Industry Association, Southern Medical Network



2024中国生命科学大会暨2024中国生命科学博览会-大号会展 www.dahaoexpo.com

2024 China Life Science Conference and 2024 China Life Science Expo


2024中国生命科学大会暨2024中国生命科学博览会-大号会展 www.dahaoexpo.com

Time: June 1-3, 2024 Location: Exhibition Hall of China Import and Export Fair in Guangzhou, China 

Organizational Structure

Guidance unit (proposed))Chinese Association for Science and Technology Life Science Association Federation

Member units:Chinese Society of Biomedical Engineering, Chinese Society of Biotechnology, Chinese Society of Cell Biology, Chinese Society of Immunology, Chinese Society of Preventive Medicine, Chinese Society of Genetics, Chinese Society of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine, Chinese Association for Anti Cancer, Chinese Pharmacological Society, Chinese Society of Anatomy, Chinese Society of Physiology, Chinese Society of Experimental Animals, Chinese Society of Microbiology, Chinese Society of Nutrition, Chinese Society of Zoology Chinese Society of Plant Physiology and Molecular Biology, Chinese Society of Botany, Chinese Society of Neuroscience, Chinese Society of Cognitive Science, Chinese Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Chinese Society of Biophysics, Chinese Society of Entomology, and Chinese Society of Stroke

Organizer:Organizing Committee of China Life Science Expo, Guangdong Biotechnology Industrialization Promotion Association, Guangdong Benchmark Exhibition Co., Ltd

Co organizer:Shenzhen Biomedical Promotion Association, Shanghai Biomedical Technology Development Center, Dongguan Medical Device Industry Association, Southern Medical Network

Undertaking unit:Guangdong Benchmark Exhibition Co., Ltd. and Guangzhou Navigation Exhibition Co., Ltd


The Chinese Association for Science and Technology Life Science Society Consortium (referred to as the "Society Consortium") is the first society consortium of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology. It is a non independent legal person cooperative organization jointly initiated by 11 national societies in the field of life science under the Chinese Association for Science and Technology. The founding conference was held in Beijing on October 15, 2015. The leaders of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology attended the founding conference, focusing on the status, role, and significance of the association consortium.

The establishment of the Association Alliance is not only an important measure for the reform of the scientific and technological system, but also an innovative measure for the reform of group work, and a specific measure to comply with the laws of modern scientific and technological development. The field of life sciences is a typical discipline that reflects a high degree of interdisciplinary integration, and is currently the most influential discipline in China's international community. It is most likely to achieve a transition from following others to running in parallel and leading the way. Learning how to unite weight in creating a long-term mechanism of organic interaction, efficient collaboration, and open resource sharing among disciplines and talents, forming a stable system of collaborative development, joint research and development, and collaborative reform. The large platform it provides can further highlight the subjectivity of scientists in scientific research and technological innovation, better play the organizational and guiding role of science and technology societies, promote information exchange and resource sharing among members, Create a good innovation environment. The association promotes interdisciplinary integration and cooperation by conducting university science exchanges, and through cooperation, more resources are shared and shared, guiding and promoting collaborative innovation. Fully leverage the platform and integration advantages of the association consortium, through conducting major evaluations, setting up major awards, proposing major plans, and assuming important functions, to gather scientists and technology workers from all parties and enhance their international discourse power.

At present, the members of the association consortium include the Chinese Zoological Society, the Chinese Botanical Society, the Chinese Entomological Society, the Chinese Microbiological Society, the Chinese Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, the Chinese Society of Cell Biology, the Chinese Society of Plant Physiology and Molecular Biology, the Chinese Society of Biophysics, the Chinese Genetic Society, the Chinese Society of Experimental Animals, the Chinese Society of Neuroscience, and the Chinese Society of Biotechnology There are a total of 23 national societies, including the Chinese Society of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, the Chinese Society of Physiology, the Chinese Society of Anatomy, the Chinese Society of Biomedical Engineering, the Chinese Nutrition Society, the Chinese Pharmacological Society, the Chinese Anti Cancer Association, the Chinese Society of Immunology, the Chinese Society of Preventive Medicine, the Chinese Stroke Society, and the Chinese Society of Cognitive Science.

&Gt& Gt& Gt; Consortium members

2024中国生命科学大会暨2024中国生命科学博览会-大号会展 www.dahaoexpo.com


Industry background

The field of life sciences is a typical discipline that reflects a high degree of interdisciplinary integration, and is currently the most influential discipline in China's international community. It is most likely to achieve a transition from following the trend to running parallel and leading the way. Innovative research in life sciences and pharmaceutical industrialization have become important soft power in China. With the innovative breakthroughs in life sciences and biotechnology, the global life sciences are flourishing, and the fields of artificial intelligence, big data, and life sciences are gradually integrating. The implementation of the Biosafety Law of the People's Republic of China will bring unprecedented development opportunities to the biotechnology industry, and also bring huge business opportunities for the development of life sciences, biotechnology, and upstream and downstream industries.

Conference Introduction

2024 China Life Sciences Conference and China Life Sciences Expo (CILSE for short), because of its high standard, large scale, stronger academic leadership and closer integration with industry, will form a broader international influence, and will become the highest standard and most influential brand event in the life science community of China and the world under the call of the CPC Central Committee to "implement the healthy China strategy" and the "the Belt and Road" initiative, In order to further leverage the academic value and influence of the "2024 China Life Science Conference" and strengthen international academic exchanges and cooperation in the fields of life science and health, the conference's keynote report will invite dozens of academicians, expert professors, and international leaders in the field of life science to give keynote speeches. Around the future development of life science, dozens of thematic sub forums will be held to maintain cutting-edge academic exchanges in life science, By conducting major assessments, setting up major awards, proposing major plans, and assuming important functions, we aim to gather scientists and scientific and technological workers from all sides, enhance China's international discourse power in the field of life sciences, promote more breakthroughs in life science research and technological innovation, concentrate on showcasing the strength and innovative achievements of scientists in the field of life sciences, and use the new model of "academic conferences+exhibitions" to focus on molecular diagnosis In the fields of antibody drugs, cell and gene therapy, mRNA, epigenetics, single-cell, multi omics, biological big data, vaccines, antibodies, exosomes, tumor early screening, tumor detection, organ transplantation, etc., we promote interdisciplinary integration and development, and promote communication and cooperation between upstream and downstream industries.

The 2024 China Life Science Expo will focus on showcasing new technologies, products, and solutions in the field of life sciences. It is expected to receive more than 50000 professional visitors and provide a one-stop service platform for scientists and researchers in the field of life sciences. It will provide a broader commercial space for participating enterprises to the greatest extent possible, and also become an irreplaceable platform for the exchange, exchange, and cooperation between science and technology and industry technology.

Here, we look forward to you bringing an elite team, a grand and beautiful image, and high-tech products to showcase, because we have everything ready for you, and business opportunities are waiting for you!

Introduction to the "Light of Life" Achievement Exhibition INTRODUCTION

The "Light of Life" exhibition at the 2024 China Life Science Conference will be guided by the Life Science Society of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology, and the "Top Ten Advances in China's Life Science" for 2023 will be exhibited on site. The exhibition is now open to the industry, including cell biology, molecular biology, tumor biology, structural biology, immunobiology, stem cell and regenerative medicine, bioinformatics, synthetic biology, genetics, and gene editing The achievements of outstanding units/teams/individuals in 12 fields of systems biology and biomedical engineering will be exhibited at the exhibition. Each field will select outstanding units/teams/individuals of the year and showcase their achievements on the same stage as the "Top Ten Advances in Chinese Life Sciences". Participating units will be commended and promoted with emphasis, establishing brand value, enhancing image, promoting the integration of industry, academia, and research, as well as the transformation and exchange of achievements.

The achievement exhibition covers a variety of communication designs, including exhibitions, forums, publications, email push, media promotion, etc., and maximizes the promotion of communication, cooperation, achievement transformation, and investment and financing.

Positioning of Achievement Exhibition《《《

The achievement exhibition serves both publicity and science popularization functions, comprehensively showcasing the phased achievements and major achievements of China's life science field plan through a systematic approach. It brings together people's hearts and builds an external image, serving as the "innovation driven development" strategy. It takes the lead in showcasing China's most representative, influential, and significant progress in various fields of life science, and focuses on showcasing the strength and innovative achievements of scientists in the field of life science, Promote interdisciplinary integration and development, promote communication and cooperation between upstream and downstream industries, and contribute to the development of China's life science industry.


Scope of achievement exhibition solicitation《《《

Innovative achievements in the field of V cell biology

Innovative achievements in the field of molecular biology

Innovative achievements in the field of tumor biology

Innovative achievements in the field of structural biology

Innovative achievements in the field of immunobiology

Innovative achievements in the fields of stem cells and regenerative medicine

Innovative achievements in the field of bioinformatics

Innovative achievements in the field of synthetic biology

Innovative achievements in the field of genetics

Innovative achievements in the field of gene editing

Innovative achievements in the field of system biology

Innovative achievements in the field of biomedical engineering


Results of the 2022 Top 10 Achievements in China's Life Sciences《《《

Xie Xiaoliang, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences, Academician of the National Academy of Medicine, Academician of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Foreign Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lifetime Professor of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology of Harvard University, Professor Mallinckrodt, Principal of the Biological Dynamic Optical Imaging Center of Peking University, and Director of the Advanced Innovation Center for Future Gene Diagnosis of Peking University

Song Baoliang, CAS Member, Member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Vice President of Wuhan University, President of Taikang Medical College (Basic Medical College), Taikang Life Medical Center

Li Wei State Key Laboratory of Stem Cell and Reproductive Biology, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Jie Wei, School of Life Sciences, Tsinghua University

Chairman and co-founder of Wang Jianhua Group

Lin Shengcai, CAS Member, metabolic biologist, School of Life Sciences, Xiamen University

Wang Yongjun, Dean of Beijing Temple of Heaven Hospital

Chi Tian, School of Life Sciences, Shanghai University of Science and Technology

Zhang Hong Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Lin Hongxuan, CAS Member, Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences


Introduction to the Star Award INTRODUCTION

In order to promote the development of scientific research, technological innovation, and development in the field of life medicine in China, promote the promotion and application of life science innovation achievements, and achieve high-tech industrialization, the Organizing Committee of the China Life Science Expo and Guangdong Benchmark Exhibition Co., Ltd. have decided to jointly establish the Starlight Award to reward innovation at the source and strengthen international cooperation, To reward outstanding domestic and foreign scientists, potential innovative talents, and outstanding leading enterprises in the fields of life sciences and medicine who have achieved breakthrough innovative results, promote scientific and technological progress and industrial development in China's life sciences, medicine, pharmacy, and related fields, and promote the continuous emergence of leading figures in the biotechnology industry, in order to promote research in life medicine in China Contribute to technological innovation and the industrial development and application of innovative achievements.

2024中国生命科学大会暨2024中国生命科学博览会-大号会展 www.dahaoexpo.com

SUB-FORUM of the conference sub forum

Based on modern cutting-edge biotechnology, focusing on the health challenges faced by the public, we are jointly committed to relying on life sciences and biotechnology to jointly tackle major disease problems that endanger human health and enhance human well-being. We plan to hold a group forum for the 2024 China Life Science Conference, which includes molecular diagnosis, antibody drugs, cell and gene therapy, mRNA, epigenetics, single-cell, multi omics, biological big data, vaccines, antibodies, exosomes, early screening of tumors, tumor detection, organ transplantation, and other aspects. There are more than 30 group forums planned, and each group forum plans to invite 6 or more experts to give presentations. The number of attendees for each group forum is 100-300 people.

2024中国生命科学大会暨2024中国生命科学博览会-大号会展 www.dahaoexpo.com

Forum Theme

Research and industrialization of cell therapy

Application of cutting-edge technologies in cell and gene therapy

• Universal Cell Drug Development Summit

Clinical research and transformation of stem cells

Innovative drug development and technological innovation

Antibody drug development and target screening

• Biopharmaceutical Process Development Summit

Autoimmunity and tumor immunity

Single cell multi omics research and clinical applications

Metabolism; Proteomics Forum

Vaccines and antibodies

• Molecular diagnostic techniques for infectious diseases

Accurate diagnosis and treatment of tumors

Early screening and diagnosis of tumors

Reproductive and Genetic Summit Forum

Forum on the Development of Laboratory Medicine

Mass spectrometry technology and clinical applications

Forum on Clinical Applications of Flow Cytometry

Forum on Laboratory Construction and Development

Experimental Animal Forum

Gene therapy and oncolytic viruses

Layout of cutting-edge developments in gene therapy and nucleic acid drugs

• Organ like and 3D cell culture special session

• ITBT& AI Pharmaceutical Forum

Biomedical big data and artificial intelligence

The theme forum is constantly being updated

Registration fee for attending the conference:

Payment standards for attendees:

Before December 31, 2023, 600 yuan/person

From January 1st to April 30th, 2024, 800 yuan/person

Starting from May 1, 2024, 1200 yuan/person

Student participation fee standards:

Before April 30, 2024, 300 yuan/person

Starting from May 1, 2024, 600 yuan/person

Remarks:Registered representatives are responsible for their own transportation and accommodation expenses. Discount registration is subject to actual payment time!

Audience/purchaser from BUYERS

Universities, hospitals, medical institutions, research institutes, biopharmaceutical companies, distributors, agents, vaccine/antibody companies, biotechnology companies, biosimilars, production solution providers (upstream and downstream), life sciences and analytical equipment, diagnostic and testing equipment, facility design, protein drug companies, contract service providers (CRO, CMO, CDMO), HVAC facilities, cleanroom equipment suppliers, government representatives/trading institutions Laboratory equipment suppliers, cold chain packaging companies, raw material production enterprises, fine chemical production enterprises, intermediate production enterprises, auxiliary material production enterprises, natural extract production enterprises, new drug research and development companies, clinical research and development, drug testing, analysis services, external authorization, import and export enterprises, raw material machinery, formulation machinery, supply chain, logistics transportation, consulting companies, pharmaceutical engineering, and drug delivery system production enterprises Automation/robotics, packaging machinery, packaging material production enterprises, laboratory services, life science laboratories, biological laboratories, microbiological laboratories, genetic laboratories, pharmaceutical laboratories, chemical laboratories, medical laboratories, clean laboratories, food safety laboratories, inspection and quarantine laboratories, third-party monitoring laboratories, PCR laboratories, CDC disease control laboratories, university research laboratories, environmental monitoring laboratories Smart laboratories, laboratories/biochemical/analytical instruments, environmental protection, regulatory services, biopharmaceutical industrial parks, and investment institutions.



2024 China (Guangdong) International Cooperation Conference on Biotechnology

2024 China Precision Medicine Conference

2024 China Cancer Prevention and Treatment Annual Conference

2024 Danish Academic Exchange Conference on Microorganisms

Exhibition of "Light of Life" Achievements at the 2024 China Life Science Conference

2024 China Life Science Conference Starlight Award

2024 Global Forum on Traditional Chinese Medicine Cooperation and Development

2024 China International Health Expo

Previous reviews of PREVIOUS SESSIONS

》》Participated leaders from previous conferences

2024中国生命科学大会暨2024中国生命科学博览会-大号会展 www.dahaoexpo.com

》》Part of the academicians attending previous conferences (sorted by surname strokes)

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》》Pictures of previous conference venues

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Strategic Cooperation Media

The online graphic and text live broadcast of this conference reached a high exposure rate of 4.2 million. After the conference, more than 1000 authoritative media outlets, including People's Daily, Health Times, People's Daily, Guangming Daily, Xinhua News, China News Network, CCTV, China Youth Daily, Today's Headlines, Guangzhou TV, Southern Daily, and Yangcheng Evening News, conducted cross platform integrated dissemination and reporting on the conference.


Contact information of the organizing committee CONTACT US

Address: Room 401-402, Building T6, Haisi Knowledge Center, Zhongxin Knowledge City, Huangpu District, Guangzhou City

Contact person:

Exhibitor: Ms. Jiang 133 3289 1053

Business cooperation: Mr. Xia 139 0227 1716

Fixed line: 020-8251 9917

Fax: 020-8251 9917


Exhibition Scope: EXPO SCOPE

Life Science Reagents and Biotechnology:Research reagents, molecular biological reagents, cellular biological reagents, general chemical reagents, high-end chemical reagents, protein biological reagents, biotechnology instruments and equipment, molecular biology services, cell biology services, stem cell technology services, microbiology services, immunology services, proteomics services, biochip services, laboratory animal services, vaccine and new drug development outsourcing services, technical training, etc.

Biological products:serumProteins, peptides, nucleic acids, vaccines, blood products, therapeutic antibodies, antigens, cell and gene therapy, tumor immunotherapy, stem cells& IPS, etc.

Laboratory instruments and consumables:

Life sciences and clinical diagnostic instrumentsPCR instrument, pipette workstation, centrifuge, incubator, synthesis/gene/cell/proteome instrument, transgenic instrument, biochip, etc.

Biopharmaceutical instrumentsShaker, bioreactor, fermentation tank, incubator, high-pressure sterilization pot, cell crusher

High pressure homogenizer, freeze-drying machine, centrifugal concentrator, etc.

Analysis and testing instrumentsSpectral/spectrophotometer, hyperspectral, liquid chromatography, gas chromatography, mass spectrometer, spectrum

/Magnetic resonance, gas generator.

General laboratory instrumentsSample processing equipment, ultra pure water system, concentrator, rotary evaporator, various pumps for reaction kettle, laboratory automation, balance, etc.

Physical and chemical analysis instrumentsAcidity meter/pH meter/ion meter/conductivity meter, particle size meter, polarimeter/sugar meter, other physical and chemical analysis/SP food and drug detection instruments: pesticide residue rapid detection equipment, multifunctional food detection instrument, heavy metal rapid detection instrument, portable rapid detection instrument, microbial rapid detection instrument, drug test chamber, drug dissolution meter, visible spectrophotometer, atomic absorption spectrophotometer, etc.

Material analysis instrumentsX-ray diffractometer, X-ray fluorescence spectrometer, metallographic microscope, micro analyzer, thermal analyzer, surface tester, universal testing machine, hardness tester, Raman spectrometer, infrared spectrometer, laser particle size analyzer, atomic spectrometer, material mechanical property testing equipment, non-destructive testing instrument, 3D printing, etc.

optical instrumentOptical measuring instruments, optical testing instruments, microscopes, optical surveying and mapping instruments, optical testing instruments, etc.

Experimental consumablesStandard substances, serum, culture medium, laboratory chemicals, antibodies, immunology, diagnostic, testing reagents, food testing reagents, laboratory consumables, microbiological testing reagents, cell culture consumables, chromatography columns, chromatography fillers, filtration consumables, test tubes, centrifuge tubes, pipettes, reagent bottles, colorimetric cups, sample cups, straws, biochemical cups, and other items.


Drug development and production services, CRO, CMO, CDMO, bioinformatics technology, biopharmaceutical raw materials, active pharmaceutical ingredients, enzymes, auxiliary materials, additives, stabilizers, testing kits, antibodies, yeast and its derivatives, bioprocesses, pharmaceutical intermediates, formulation machinery, pharmaceutical laboratories, testing services, pharmaceutical water/gas equipment, pharmaceutical packaging machinery, other pharmaceutical machinery and equipment, engineering, purification and environmental protection equipment Warehousing and freight, transportation and distribution, cold chain services, etc.

Precision healthcare industry:

medical hygieneMedical and health institutions related to precision medical services, health management, and online and offline medical services

Offline platforms, as well as clinical and traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis, treatment, and prevention application technologies.

Omics techniquesGenome, transcriptome, proteome, metabolome, epigenetics, immunology, microbiota

Metagenomics, gut microbiome detection equipment, reagents, and analytical techniques, etc.

High end medical devicesImaging diagnostic equipment, examination equipment, treatment equipment, endoscopy and minimally invasive technology, surgery

Robots, medical service robots, wearable devices, and other medical devices.

BiomedicalTargeted drugs, immunotherapy, stem cell technology, gene editing, novel biomarkers, diseases

Disease model creation technology, biomedical materials, etc.

Big data and AI3D visualization, 3D printing, virtual reality, big data analysis tools, artificial intelligence, etc

Equipment and technology, etc.

Stem cells and gene therapy:

Stem cell storage, stem cell therapy, tumor immunotherapy, tumor drugs, CAR-T/TCR-T cell therapy, cell and gene therapy, solid tumor regenerative medicine, single-cell sequencing, single-cell technology, spatiotemporal transcriptomics and multi omics technology, flow cytometry, extracellular vesicle separation and detection, oncolytic virus, adeno-associated virus (AAV) cell 3D culture, organoid culture, biological 3D printer, 3D cell imaging Molecular targeted therapy for tumors, clinical research and disease treatment of exosomes, PCR, molecular diagnosis, gene therapy, liquid biopsy, early screening of tumors, biomarkers, translational medicine, AI assisted diagnosis, in vitro diagnosis, etc; Biotechnology equipment includes fermentation tanks, cell reactors, cell culture equipment, saccharification equipment, separation and filtration, extraction and purification, instrumentation and industrial automation equipment, and sanitary fluid equipment.

Biomedical Industry Park:

Biopharmaceutical industry park, incubator, entrepreneurship center, biological accelerator, maker space, leading enterprise, entrepreneurial carrier, experimental center, etc.

Costs & Precautions

Please contact the exhibition organizer for implementation before participating in the exhibition.


  • Company:Guangdong Benchmark Exhibition Co., Ltd
  • Telephone:020-82519917
  • Truename:Ms. Jiang
  • Mobile:13332891053
  • E-mail:J3236305633@qq.com
  • Address:Room 401-402, Building T6, Haisi Knowledge Center, Zhongxin Knowledge City, Huangpu District, Guangzhou City


The information on this site comes from the network and related members, and the website has done its duty to review it. Due to the uncontrollability of the process of organizing the exhibition, some of the exhibition information in the station may change the subject matter, Extending or cancelling the event, please exhibitors and visitors must check with each other again before exhibiting! All the exhibitions in this site are not hosted/co-organized or organized, if there are any disputes during the exhibition, please hold the main responsibility of the exhibition organization! QQ Email: 523138820@qq.com WeChat: 523138820 Mobile: 15313206870


Expo News