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2021 the 30th China International Medical Equipment Exhibition and technical exchange meeting
Industry: Biology / Medicine / Health
Time: 2021/08/13 - 08/15 (Fri To Sun Total 3 Days)    Error Correction
Address: Chaoyang District · Beijing Beijing National Convention Center ChinaBeijingChaoyang District Beichen road Olympic Park, Chaoyang District, Beijing
Sponsor:International exchange and cooperation center of National Health Commission
Organizer:Beijing Omega Medical Technology Consulting Co., Ltd


China hospeq has held 29 sessions, with high degree of specialization, distinctive industry characteristics and good brand effect.

Our vision
Adhere to the concept of national development, promote the construction of healthy China and a powerful country in science and technology, and promote the innovation driven development of pharmaceutical industry.
Implement the "the Belt and Road Initiative" initiative, strengthen international cooperation, integrate domestic and international resources related to the field of health, break down barriers to health investment and trade, reshape the value chain of health industry, and improve the accessibility of health products.

Our goal
Promote policy communication. Strengthen information exchange, gather consensus, raise strength, find and find the bottleneck restricting the development of health industry, through effective theoretical research and feasibility demonstration, put forward solutions, and give suggestions for policy-making departments.
Promote facility connectivity. Design and develop a new mode of integration of cutting-edge technology and traditional medical and health industry, select the right areas of advantage, establish the interconnection of health infrastructure through data transmission and information sharing, so as to form a global network of health services, and establish a good environment for the industry to achieve leapfrog development.
Promote the smooth flow of trade. Promote the establishment and maintenance of a good global market environment for medical trade and investment, regularly evaluate high-quality health products, and assist the health industry to promote at home and abroad; help promote the convergence of international standards, and gradually realize the mutual recognition of health product standards.
Promote financing. Focus on the relevant national and regional economic policy, resource endowment, industrial development, investment promotion of fine research, establish data platform, looking for the development opportunities of health industry. Incubate new industrial chain and guide investment direction. Promote the synergy of public investment and industrial investment to form a joint force.
Promote people to people communication. We should integrate resources, give full play to the joint advantages, realize the docking of international demand, and promote industrial collaboration and enterprise cooperation. Research and solve the common problems of industrial development, form a supporting sub network, covering medical equipment, biological and genetic technology, traditional Chinese medicine, dietary nutrition, medical system construction and other key areas. Further promote the global development layout of big health service industry. Support research and public welfare projects in relevant fields and promote the realization of the UN sustainable development goals in China and the the Belt and Road Initiative countries.


Costs & Precautions

Please contact with the organizer before the exhibition.


  • Telephone:010-88393923/3850/3912
  • Truename:Ms. Wang Jing / Ms. Ma Ying / Ms. Zhang Suran
  • E-mail:office@chinahospeq.com
  • Address:Beichen road Olympic Park, Chaoyang District, Beijing
  • Zipcode:100044


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