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2021 DRT show Beijing 2020
Industry: Travel / Hotel / Catering
Time: 2021/08/13 - 08/15 (Fri To Sun Total 3 Days)    Error Correction
Address: Chaoyang District · Beijing Beijing National Convention Center ChinaBeijingChaoyang District Beichen road Olympic Park, Chaoyang District, Beijing
Sponsor:Qianxin Exhibition (Shanghai) Co., Ltd
Organizer:Qianxin Exhibition (Shanghai) Co., Ltd


Beijing is not only the capital of China, but also the political center of China. It is the first place in China to contact with diving. Beijing has friendly and highly educated residents, people who love ocean sports, high-quality financial service providers and distributors. It is definitely a market worthy of investment and development. Beijing DRT show diving show has official diving show approval document, trade promotion exhibition management examination (2014) No. 55012.

DRT show is the largest gathering of diving enthusiasts, marine resource protectors and anyone with passion for the underwater world. As an important regional activity, DRT show international diving and holiday tourism exhibition has achieved overwhelming repercussions. We do promote the brand and are supported by high-level exhibitors, and lead diving equipment suppliers, underwater sports equipment suppliers, diving resorts, tourism bureaus, marine conservation organizations and diving organizations. DRT show promotes trade and export business and has become a "must see" diving equipment and diving destination activity in the Asia Pacific region.


Diving equipment manufacturer
Underwater sports equipment manufacturer
Diving equipment supplier
Diving wholesaler
Diving organization
Diving training organization
Diving Club
Travel agent
Tourism Administration
Hotel and diving Resort
Shipboard diving operator
Underwater photographers and cameramen
Diving related magazines and electronic media
Commercial diving company

Costs & Precautions

Please contact the exhibitor before the exhibition.


  • Telephone:021-54241218
  • E-mail:sales@drtexpo.com
  • Address:359 Lane 6666, waiqingsong Road, Qingpu District, Shanghai
  • Zipcode:201700


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