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The 14th China Military Logistics Support New Technology and Equipment Exhibition in 2025
Industry: Industrial / Mechanical / Processing
Time: 2025/06/12 - 06/14 (Thur To Sat Total 3 Days)    Error Correction
Address: Beijing Beijing Badaling International Convention and Exhibition Center ChinaBeijing MunicipalityYanqing District No. 65 Qingyuan Street, Yanqing Town, Yanqing District, Beijing
Sponsor:The 14th China Military Logistics Support New Technology and Equipment Exhibition in 2025
Organizer:The 14th China Military Logistics Support New Technology and Equipment Exhibition in 2025
91Days To Go


The 14th China Military Logistics Support New Technology and Equipment Exhibition in 2025 - www.globalomp.com

The 14th China Military Logistics Support New Technology and Equipment Exhibition in 2025 - www.globalomp.com

The 14th China Military Logistics Support New Technology and Equipment Exhibition in 2025

2025 Beijing Military Logistics Support Exhibition 2025 Military Logistics Support Equipment Exhibition

Exhibition Introduction

The 13th China Military Logistics Support New Technology and Equipment Exhibition (CSNE2025), organized by Huaxia Weiye Exhibition, will be held from June 12th to 14th, 2025 at the China International Exhibition Center in Beijing. The exhibition began in 2011 and has undergone 13 years of refinement and growth. It has become a supply and demand platform for showcasing China's cutting-edge logistics support equipment, strengthening military civilian integration, achieving information communication, technical exchange, and product negotiation.

Exhibition Information

Exhibition time: June 12-14, 2025

Exhibition Location: Beijing International Convention and Exhibition Center (Old Building)

Exhibition scale: 30000 square meters, 600 exhibitors, 40000 professional visitors

Display scope

1. Military equipment: functional food (single soldier dehydrated rice, straight nutrition instant noodles, single soldier natural field food series), military clothing, bedding, equipment, food preservation packaging technology, etc;

2. Naval specialized equipment: comprehensive support facilities (large dock refueling trucks, disinfection and cleaning vehicles, vehicle mounted material delivery vehicles, mine ammunition supply vehicles, water pipeline supply vehicles, field forklifts, high cargo picking vehicles, rescue boats, maritime hospital ships, seaplanes, shipborne medical modules, etc.);

3. Air Force specialized equipment: airport support facilities (refueling vehicles, air conditioning vehicles, oxygenation vehicles, bomb trucks, charging vehicles, avionics support vehicles, engineering vehicles, command vehicles, catering vehicles, towing vehicles, ambulances, fire trucks, cleaning vehicles, airport loading and unloading platforms, aircraft fuel supply, airport navigation emergency lighting vehicles, flight logistics support command and monitoring consoles, airport runway repair engineering vehicles, etc.);

4. Health equipment: health maintenance, psychological services, disease prevention and control, telemedicine, accompanying support, emergency rescue, special drugs, "three prevention" medicine, environmental medicine testing technology and products, etc;

5. Military coatings: conventional weapon coatings, aerospace coatings, ship coatings, nuclear power coatings, etc;

6. Maintenance equipment: emergency rescue, engineering repair, equipment repair, road repair and cleaning equipment, processing technology, high-pressure, high-temperature and moisture-proof materials, software and technology, etc;

7. Kitchen equipment: military mobile kitchens, military kitchen equipment and other related supplies;

8. Oil equipment: oil pipelines, transportation technology, functional oil equipment materials, field oil depots, field oil analyzers, airdrop oil systems, special lubricants, etc;

9. Military logistics warehousing equipment: warehousing equipment, handling equipment, lifting equipment, logistics vehicles, military packaging, energy-saving products, logistics warehousing informatization, new technologies and materials, etc;

10. Camping equipment: new insulation and cold proof tents, field washing box sets, field shower box sets, field cooking box sets, field expansion command cabins, field hospital systems, etc;

11. Disguise equipment: camouflage net, obstacle camouflage technology, camouflage technology, camouflage technology, protective camouflage, deformation camouflage, digital camouflage

12. Engineering machinery: field engineering machinery, construction machinery, support machinery, firefighting equipment, and other logistical machinery and equipment;

13. Special equipment: nuclear, biological and chemical pollution monitoring vehicles, nuclear, biological and chemical health monitoring vehicles and other equipment;

14. Other: Logistics related products such as power facilities, household appliances, and office supplies.

If you want to book a booth at the "2025 Beijing Military Logistics Support Equipment Exhibition" and learn more information, please contact us through the following contact information:

Address: No. 60, East Fourth Ring Middle Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing

Project Manager: Mr. Zhang 186 0078 4418 (same as WeChat)

Fax: 010-80755898


The 14th China Military Logistics Support New Technology and Equipment Exhibition in 2025 - www.globalomp.com

The 14th China Military Logistics Support New Technology and Equipment Exhibition in 2025 - www.globalomp.com

Costs & Precautions

Please contact the exhibition organizer before participating in the exhibition to confirm.


  • Telephone:186 0078 4418
  • Truename:Mr. Zhang
  • Mobile:186 0078 4418
  • Address:No. 65 Qingyuan Street, Yanqing Town, Yanqing District, Beijing


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