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The 23rd China International Smart City Digital City Construction Expo 2025 (Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development Office)
Industry: Car / Vehicle
Time: 2025/06/19 - 06/21 (Thur To Sat Total 3 Days)    Error Correction
Address: Beijing China International Exhibition Center (Shunyi Hall) ChinaBeijing MunicipalityShunyi District No. 88 Yuxiang Road, Shunyi District, Beijing
Sponsor:China Architecture Culture Center
Organizer:China Architecture Culture Center
Co-organizer:China Architecture Culture Center
98Days To Go


Exhibition Application Form

Please fill it out and send it back or send it back to 2025China Urban Expo

Full name of the unit





Contact address

Postal Code



Comprehensive display

Theme Exhibition





Exhibition content:

Standard booth: booth number (3 x 4) square meters, cost in yuan

Guangdi: Booth No., square meters (minimum rent of 54 square meters), cost: yuan



Conference Name:


Total amount (in words): Payment date: Year Month Day

Official seal of exhibitor:


Date: Year Month Day

Account Name: China Architecture Culture Center

Bank of Deposit: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Beijing Branch, Wanwanzhuang Branch


Exhibitors confirm signature:

Confirmed signature by the organizing committee:

·Within one week of signing, please transfer the booth fee to the account of the organizing committee of the conference to ensure the confirmation of the selected booth.

organizing committee

Contact unit: China Architecture Culture Center

Contact address: 4th and 7th floors, China Architecture Culture Center Building, No. 13 Sanlihe Road, Haidian District, Beijing

Contact person: Zhang Tiejun Contact phone number: 010-68311370

mobile phone; 13911561388 WeChat Sync Fax: 010-68311370




1. Exhibition and promotion of investment projects related to national construction and development;

2. Domestic participation in the construction of related enterprises and projects.

(2) Modernization of the construction industry sector

1. Prefabricated buildings;

2. Industrial products and equipment for construction.

3. Building energy-saving technology and products; Energy saving glass; Dimming glass

4. Green building; Wall, waterproof material, water supply and drainage, energy-saving doors and windows Decorative materials

5. Property management; Electric bicycle management system

6. Residential supporting equipment and facilities;

7. Civil engineering, construction engineering, pipeline installation and construction enterprises; Laying of plastic field; Floor engineering; Landscape engineering

(3) Urban municipal infrastructure construction, development, and operation management sector

1. Smart city construction; Security system; Charging facilities; Environmental sanitation intelligent robot.

2. Construction of urban underground comprehensive pipe gallery;

3. Sponge City;

4. Smart transportation; Stereo garage

5. Urban environmental engineering; Urban water system water treatment, drainage, rainwater resource utilization, water pollution prevention and control, and solid waste disposal, etc

6. Comprehensive urban operation and management services;

7. Internet of Things technology and applications;

8. Big data cloud computing technology and equipment.

Costs & Precautions

Please contact the exhibition organizer before participating in the exhibition to confirm.

The 23rd China International Smart City Digital City Construction Expo 2025 (Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development Office) - www.globalomp.com

The 23rd China International Smart City Digital City Construction Expo 2025 (Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development Office) - www.globalomp.com


  • Mobile:13911561388
  • Address:No. 88 Yuxiang Road, Shunyi District, Beijing


The information on this site comes from the network and related members, and the website has done its duty to review it. Due to the uncontrollability of the process of organizing the exhibition, some of the exhibition information in the station may change the subject matter, Extending or cancelling the event, please exhibitors and visitors must check with each other again before exhibiting! All the exhibitions in this site are not hosted/co-organized or organized, if there are any disputes during the exhibition, please hold the main responsibility of the exhibition organization! QQ Email: 523138820@qq.com WeChat: 523138820 Mobile: 15313206870


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