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DRT SHOW Beijing 2025
Industry: Travel / Hotel / Catering
Time: 2025/08/01 - 08/03 (Fri To Sun Total 3 Days)    Error Correction
Address: Chaoyang District · Beijing Beijing National Convention Center ChinaBeijing MunicipalityChaoyang District Beijing Chaoyang District Beichen Road Olympic Park
Sponsor:Qianxin Exhibition (Shanghai) Co., Ltd
Organizer:Qianxin Exhibition (Shanghai) Co., Ltd
141Days To Go


DRT SHOW Beijing 2025 - www.globalomp.com

DRT SHOW Beijing 2025 - www.globalomp.com

DRT consists of three English initials: Diving, Resort, and Travel, and its full name is "International Diving and Vacation Tourism Exhibition". Founder Jason Chong started organizing the DRT SHOW in 2009 with the hope of providing greater support from partners, promoting the development of the diving industry in Asia, and encouraging more people to become passionate divers who care about marine ecology. The first DRT SHOW was successfully held in Hong Kong in 2010, with an unprecedented scale of exhibitions and 90% of non Hong Kong exhibitors, making it the most international diving exhibition in the Asia Pacific region. Since then, DRT SHOW has toured major cities in Asia, with tentacles covering Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Okinawa, Taipei, Singapore, Manila, Kuala Lumpur, Mumbai and other regions. Currently, it has hosted over 51 international professional diving exhibitions, making it the largest international diving exhibition in the Asia Pacific region.


Diving equipment manufacturer
Underwater sports equipment manufacturer
Diving equipment supplier
Diving wholesaler
Diving organization
Diving training institutions
Diving Club
Travel agents
Tourism Bureau
Hotel and Diving Resort Center
Liveaboard diving operator
Underwater photographers and videographers
Diving related magazines and electronic media
Commercial diving company

Costs & Precautions

Please contact the exhibition organizer before participating in the exhibition to confirm.

DRT SHOW Beijing 2025 - www.globalomp.com

DRT SHOW Beijing 2025 - www.globalomp.com


  • Telephone:021-54241218
  • E-mail:sales@drtexpo.com
  • Address:Room 231, Building 72, Mobile Zhidi, Lane 3938, Huqingping Road, Qingpu District, Shanghai 201799
  • Zipcode:201700


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