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2025 China (Liaoning Dalian) International Petroleum and Chemical Industry Exhibition
Industry: Chemical / Energy / Environment
Time: 2025/04/24 - 04/26 (Thur To Sat Total 3 Days)    Error Correction
Address: Dalian · Liaoning Dalian World Expo Center ChinaLiaoning ProvinceDalian shahekou district No. 10, Zone F, Dalian Xinghai Square
Sponsor:Liaoning Petroleum and Chemical Industry Association, Dalian Petroleum and Chemical Industry Association, Dalian Machinery Industry Association, Shanghai Bairui New Exhibition Co., Ltd., Dalian Bairui...
Organizer:Shanghai Bairui New Exhibition Co., Ltd., Dalian Bairui New Exhibition Co., Ltd
76Days To Go


2025 China (Liaoning Dalian) International Petroleum and Chemical Industry Exhibition - www.globalomp.com

2025 China (Liaoning Dalian) International Petroleum and Chemical Industry Exhibition - www.globalomp.com

Dalian, as the most dynamic and promising city in Northeast China, is also one of the important chemical industry bases in China. It is a local pillar industry with a trillion level petrochemical industry cluster and a strong industrial foundation. The development of the chemical industry began in the 1950s, and after decades of development, a relatively complete chemical industry chain has been formed. Involving multiple fields such as petrochemicals, coal chemicals, fine chemicals, and new chemical materials, we strive to achieve sustainable development, strengthen technological innovation, promote industrial upgrading, promote green development, and build the most dynamic chemical industry base.

To promote the development of the chemical industry in Northeast China and expand communication and cooperation channels with enterprises. ICEE2025 China (Dalian, Liaoning) International Petroleum and Chemical Industry Exhibition (referred to as "ICEE Dalian Chemical Exhibition") will be held from April 24-26, 2025 at the Dalian World Expo Plaza. The exhibition has received strong support and active participation from local regulatory authorities, associations/societies. As an annual industry event in the Chinese chemical industry, it covers the entire industry chain and will gather functions such as brand display, product trading, industry exchange, and investment and financing. It is committed to becoming an important platform for publicity and communication in the Chinese chemical industry.


Petroleum and Energy Chemicals:
Product scope: crude oil, naphtha, condensate oil, light hydrocarbons, solvent oil, paraffin and petroleum product additives, integrated refining and petrochemical products, and bulk petrochemical products, etc; Shale gas LPG、LNG、 Coalbed methane, coke oven gas, coal chemical industry; Hydrogen energy and hydrogen energy full industry chain technology and products, chemical energy storage, new energy chemical industry, etc;

Fine Chemicals:
Surfactants, catalysts, electronic chemicals, chemical reagents, fine organic chemical raw materials and intermediates, ion exchange resins, agricultural chemicals, leather chemicals, daily chemicals, biological chemicals, feed and food additives, oilfield chemicals, specialty chemicals, specialty chemicals, etc;

Basic chemical raw materials:
Inorganic and organic chemicals and raw materials, barium salts, magnesium salts, potassium salts, boron compounds and borate bromide compounds, chromium salts, cyanides, fluorine compounds, phosphorus compounds and phosphates, silicon compounds and silicates, inorganic acid and alkali salts, nitric acid, sulfuric acid, caustic soda, calcium carbide, activated carbon, carbon black, titanium dioxide, etc.

Chemical new materials:
Organic fluorosilicone materials, engineering plastics, modified plastics, high-performance separation membrane materials, high-performance fibers, epoxy resins, high-performance resins, polyurethane materials, high-end polyolefin materials, aerospace and aviation special materials, military and special environmental materials, other new chemical materials, etc.

Chemical Engineering and Equipment:
Petrochemical complete sets of equipment and facilities, petroleum refining technology and equipment, coal chemical refining complete sets of equipment and facilities; Separation, filtration, extraction, and purification equipment; Drying, crushing, and mixing equipment; Mass transfer equipment; Heat transfer, heat exchange, refrigeration and other heat treatment equipment; Industrial cleaning and anti-corrosion equipment; Storage, transportation, packaging technology, and pressure vessels; Explosion proof electrical technology equipment, etc.

Chemical Safety and Environmental Protection:
Chemical safety technology, safety monitoring and emergency prevention and control technology and equipment, anti-corrosion coatings and anti-corrosion technology and products, waste gas recovery and treatment, solid waste treatment, soil remediation and other technologies and equipment.

Chemical packaging and storage:
Packaging: IBC ton drums, plastic drums, PE valve pockets, paper plastic composite bags, plastic woven bags, liquid container inflatable bags, stainless steel containers, plastic/wooden pallets, turnover boxes and packaging equipment;
Storage and transportation: chemical logistics companies, storage equipment, tank design and engineering, specialized warehouses, tank areas, ports, yards, etc., dangerous goods logistics technology and equipment, etc;

Chemical pumps, valves, pipelines, testing instruments and meters:
Chemical specialized pumps, valves, valve accessories, pipelines, fittings, pipes, fans, compressors, reducers, etc; Instrumentation, factory automation, intelligent recognition, sensing, automation control systems, information technology software, etc; Analytical testing instruments, measuring instruments, specialized testing instruments, reagents and consumables, pre-treatment equipment, laboratory engineering equipment, and safety facilities.

Costs & Precautions

Please contact the exhibition organizer before participating in the exhibition to confirm.

2025 China (Liaoning Dalian) International Petroleum and Chemical Industry Exhibition - www.globalomp.com

2025 China (Liaoning Dalian) International Petroleum and Chemical Industry Exhibition - www.globalomp.com


  • Truename:Long Fei
  • E-mail:191915452@qq.com
  • Address:No. 10, Zone F, Dalian Xinghai Square


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