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2025 Shanghai International Carbon Neutrality Technology Exhibition
Industry: Chemical / Energy / Environment
Cycle: Once a year
Time: 2025/04/21 - 04/23 (Mon To Wed Total 3 Days)    Error Correction
Address: Pudong New Area · Shanghai Shanghai New International Expo Center ChinaShanghai CityPudong New Area No. 2345 Longyang Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai
Sponsor:Zhongmao Munich Exhibition (Shanghai) Co., Ltd
Organizer:Zhongmao Munich Exhibition (Shanghai) Co., Ltd
74Days To Go


2025 Shanghai International Carbon Neutrality Technology Exhibition - www.globalomp.com

2025 Shanghai International Carbon Neutrality Technology Exhibition - www.globalomp.com

Developing green and low-carbon industries is an important area for promoting industrial optimization and upgrading, and serving the national "dual carbon" strategic goals. In this context, the newly established Shanghai International Carbon Neutrality Technology Exhibition (referred to as CO expo China Shanghai Carbon Science and Technology Exhibition), the world's second largest and flagship environmental protection exhibition in Asia, "China Environment Expo", takes "Neutrality Technology, Carbon for the Future" as its theme, guides the exchange of high-end industry forums at the same time with the broad market demand, promotes the deep integration of the industrial chain and innovation chain, fully plays the key supporting role of technological innovation in green and low-carbon transformation, and promotes the cultivation of new driving forces for the development of green and low-carbon industries.
The 2nd Shanghai Carbon Science and Technology Exhibition of CO Expo China 2024 was held from April 18-20, 2024 at the Shanghai New International Expo Center, in conjunction with the flagship environmental protection exhibition in Asia - China Environmental Protection Expo. The high degree of pollution reduction and carbon reduction has earned the second exhibition numerous praises from participants. The 3rd Shanghai International Carbon Neutrality Technology Exhibition, CO Expo China 2025, will be held at the Shanghai New International Expo Center from April 21-23, 2025. It will vigorously promote the research and development of low-carbon, zero carbon, and negative carbon technologies, as well as the development of new low-carbon industries, and meticulously build a high-end green low-carbon industry exchange platform that deeply integrates all parties.
At the same time, the "2025 Carbon Neutrality and Green Development Conference" will also be held, inviting Chinese and foreign academicians, experts, scholars, institutions, enterprises, and others to have in-depth dialogues and exchanges, establish benchmark models, promote international cooperation, and build an international stage for technological exchange and cooperation. Display of the entire industry chain
Energy Conversion: Low Carbon Efficiency Improvement of Fossil Energy, Oil Efficiency Improvement, Coal Efficiency Improvement, Natural Gas Efficiency Improvement
Clean energy substitution transformation: biomass energy, hydrogen energy, nuclear energy, hydropower, wind power, photovoltaics
New power system construction: energy storage technology, ultra-high voltage transmission, smart grid
Energy conservation and carbon reduction: 1. Energy management: energy-saving instruments and equipment, intelligent control systems, information systems
2. Process transformation and technological upgrading: digital transformation of low-carbon processes in key areas such as recycled raw material application technology, new material technology, steel, chemical and non-ferrous industries, green manufacturing, green supply chain, and resource recycling. 3. Resource recycling: resource utilization of solid waste, household waste, and construction waste. 4. Recycling transformation: supporting facilities and equipment related to recycling, recycling system solutions. 5. Circular agriculture: agricultural product production and processing, recycling agriculture technology, and sustainable breeding technology
3. Carbon efficient collection and utilization: CO2 resource utilization, research and development of low-carbon, zero carbon, and negative carbon technologies, carbon capture, utilization, and storage, ecological carbon sequestration
Carbon Monitoring and Services: Carbon Emission Monitoring and Testing Instruments, Carbon Accounting, Carbon Certification, Carbon Consulting, Carbon Finance, Carbon Sequestration
Biobased and Degradable Industries: Biobased Chemicals, Renewable Chemicals, Biobased Solvents, Biofuels, Biorefinery Technologies, Processing Technologies, Carbon Dioxide Raw Materials


2025 Shanghai International Carbon Neutrality Technology Exhibition - www.globalomp.com

2025 Shanghai International Carbon Neutrality Technology Exhibition - www.globalomp.com

Costs & Precautions

Please contact the exhibition organizer before participating in the exhibition to confirm.


  • Truename:Ye Jinping
  • E-mail:1638562794@qq.com
  • QQ:1638562794
  • Address:Songjiang District


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