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The 6th Nanjing International Musical Instrument Industry Exhibition in 2025
Industry: Office / Culture & Education / Art
Time: 2025/03/15 - 03/18 (Sat To Tues Total 4 Days)    Error Correction
Address: Nanjing · Jiangsu nanjing international exhibition center ChinaJiangsu ProvinceNanjing CityXuanwu District No. 88 Longpan Road, Nanjing
Sponsor:Jinan Hongbo Exhibition Service Co., Ltd
Organizer:Jinan Hongbo Exhibition Service Co., Ltd
37Days To Go



The 6th Nanjing International Musical Instrument Industry Exhibition in 2025 - www.globalomp.com

The 6th Nanjing International Musical Instrument Industry Exhibition in 2025 - www.globalomp.comThe Hongbo National Tour Instrument Exhibition will become an international music exhibition, based in major cities across the country and radiating to every county, city, and town. The event is expected to attract a large number of music industry companies, domestic and foreign instrument manufacturers, and music related enterprises from various provinces and cities to participate and visit.
The Hongbo National Tour Instrument Exhibition will lead instrument manufacturers from all over the world to exchange and negotiate at the doorstep of piano shops, music instrument training schools, instrument agents, distributors, children's music training classes, music academy orchestras, musicians, music enthusiasts, art groups, entertainment production companies, and instrument enthusiasts from all walks of life. It is destined to become a new business card for promoting national cultural development and a national music culture and art exchange festival.


Keyboard type: piano, accordion, electric steel (sub) piano, organ, synthesizer, stand, stool and accessories, etc;
Wooden pipes: oboe, clarinet, flute, bassoon and accessories, etc;
Copper pipes: small, round, long, large, saxophone and accessories, etc;
String instruments: small, medium, cello, double cello, acoustic guitar, classical guitar, various strings and accessories, etc;
Percussion instruments: timpani, snare drums, cymbals, snare drums, conga drums, drum supports and accessories, etc;
Ethnic musical instruments: wind instruments, plucked instruments, string instruments, percussion instruments, ethnic minority instruments and accessories;
Electroacoustic instruments: electric guitar, electric bass, electric drum, electric blowpipe, effects, speakers and accessories, etc;
Computer composition equipment: sound source, sampling machine, CD burner, hard disk recorder, micro CD recorder, drum machine, computer song ordering machine, music education system, equipment and devices, music related computer software, etc;
Musical instrument related products: metronome, plectrum, high-end instrument case/box/bag, sheet music, books and publications, instrument processing machinery and tools, instrument related services

Costs & Precautions

Please contact the exhibition organizer before participating in the exhibition to confirm.

The 6th Nanjing International Musical Instrument Industry Exhibition in 2025 - www.globalomp.com

The 6th Nanjing International Musical Instrument Industry Exhibition in 2025 - www.globalomp.com


  • Telephone:0531-55561118
  • Truename:Wang Chuanguo
  • Fax:0531-83173553
  • E-mail:906086708@qq.com
  • QQ:906086708
  • Address:Room 401-1, Xinlong Technology Building, No. 9 Huaneng Road, Licheng District, Jinan


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