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2025 Shijiazhuang International Automotive Parts and Aftermarket Exhibition
Industry: Car / Vehicle
Time: 2025/03/10 - 03/12 (Mon To Wed Total 3 Days)    Error Correction
Address: Shijiazhuang · Hebei Province Shijiazhuang International Convention and Exhibition Center (Zhengding New Building) ChinaHebei ProvinceShijiazhuang City Zhengding County No. 9 Heyang Road, Zhengding New District, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province
Sponsor:Wenzhou Huizhan Media Co., Ltd
Organizer:Wenzhou Huizhan Media Co., Ltd
32Days To Go


2025 Shijiazhuang International Automotive Parts and Aftermarket Exhibition - www.globalomp.com

2025 Shijiazhuang International Automotive Parts and Aftermarket Exhibition - www.globalomp.com

Shijiazhuang, as an important political, economic, and cultural center in northern China, has flourished in the Bohai Bay Economic Zone. Its urbanization process is far ahead and the situation is good. The development of the automobile sales and maintenance market has also exploded comprehensively, and the automobile parts industry has also experienced rapid development, with its market share steadily rising, demonstrating strong development potential and market competitiveness. In 2021, the revenue scale of China's automotive parts manufacturing enterprises was 4066.8 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 12%. In 2022, it is expected to reach approximately 4195.3 billion yuan, and is expected to exceed 5.5 trillion yuan by 2026. The current Shijiazhuang International Auto Parts and Aftermarket Exhibition aims to promote the high-quality development of the automotive industry in Shijiazhuang, drive the sustained prosperity of the auto parts and after-sales market, promote the coordination of upstream and downstream supporting industries, and achieve iterative upgrading of industrial development. This exhibition will have a planned exhibition area of 20000 square meters and a total of 900 standard booths. It will combine consumer hotspots and trendy concepts to create a comprehensive consumer exhibition that integrates shopping, leisure, entertainment, display, experience, live streaming, and more. This exhibition will leverage the location advantage of Shijiazhuang and the well-established automotive supply chain system in the surrounding area to actively deepen multi-level cooperation in the entire automotive industry chain, and focus on building an efficient platform for international industry technology exchange and comprehensive business cooperation. We are committed to providing the best quality services for exhibition participants and creating new development space for the automotive supply chain. At present, the exhibition has received recognition and attention from automobile parts and after-sales market manufacturing enterprises from all over the world. It is expected to attract more than 400 well-known enterprises and manufacturers from around the world to gather and participate in groups. Over 30000 industry professionals will attend, visit and negotiate cooperation, with professional buyers covering various aspects of production, sales, and services such as large supermarkets, internationally renowned automobile enterprises, chain stores, and traders.


Automotive spare parts: engine and accessories, braking system and accessories, body, chassis system and accessories, instruments and various rubber parts, etc

Automotive supplies and modifications: car interior, car accessories, beauty maintenance, machine and equipment exterior modification, interior kit upgrade, vehicle modification, modified parts, power modification parts, etc

Body and painting: body repair, painting and anti-corrosion protection, painting, sheet metal parts, plastic parts, car windows, headlights, wheel rims minor repairs, new materials

New Energy: New Energy Vehicle Parts, Power Drive and Components, Charging (Swapping) Equipment and Technology, New Energy Achievement Exhibition and Supporting Services

Electronics and intelligent networking: electrical machinery, vehicle lighting, electronic systems, comfort electronics, human-machine interface (HMI), intelligent networking, Internet

Automotive fuels, batteries, lubricants, etc

Costs & Precautions

Please contact the exhibition organizer before participating in the exhibition to confirm.

2025 Shijiazhuang International Automotive Parts and Aftermarket Exhibition - www.globalomp.com

2025 Shijiazhuang International Automotive Parts and Aftermarket Exhibition - www.globalomp.com


  • Telephone:0577-66991234
  • Address:Pu'er Village, Oubei Street, Yongjia, Wenzhou


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