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2025 Shandong International Coal Mine Safety Production and Intelligent Technology Equipment Exhibition
Industry: Chemical / Energy / Environment
Time: 2025/02/28 - 03/02 (Fri To Sun Total 3 Days)    Error Correction
Address: Jinan · Shandong Shandong International Convention and Exhibition Center ChinaShandong ProvinceJinan CityHuaiyin District Intersection of Second Ring West Road and Rizhao Road
Sponsor:China Coal City Development Joint Promotion Association, Shandong Provincial Energy Bureau, Shandong Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Shandong Provincial Administration of Work Safety, et...
Organizer:China Coal City Development Joint Promotion Association, Shandong Provincial Energy Bureau, Shandong Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Shandong Provincial Administration of Work Safety, et...
22Days To Go


2025 Shandong International Coal Mine Safety Production and Intelligent Technology Equipment Exhibition - www.globalomp.com

2025 Shandong International Coal Mine Safety Production and Intelligent Technology Equipment Exhibition - www.globalomp.com

Shandong has a wide distribution of coal resources, large reserves, diverse coal types, excellent coal quality, and good storage conditions. The total area of the province is 153000 square kilometers, and the predicted coal bearing area accounts for about one-third. The "14th Five Year Plan" period is a decisive stage for China to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects. The economy maintains medium to high growth, new industrialization, informatization, urbanization and agricultural modernization are further promoted, economic development has entered a new normal, the development mode has gradually shifted to quality and efficiency intensive growth, the industrial structure has accelerated to the middle and high-end, the energy production and consumption revolution has been further promoted, the "the Belt and Road" strategy has been deeply implemented, and the "energy" construction has been vigorously promoted. The opening pattern of mutual benefit and win-win, internal and external linkage has accelerated to form.
The 2025 Shandong International Coal Mine Safety Production and Intelligent Technology Equipment Exhibition adheres to its mission, integrates domestic and foreign resources, assists enterprises in developing smart and environmentally friendly mines, strengthens research on new processes, technologies, and equipment in the coal mining technology and equipment industry, builds a common technology and high-tech transmission platform, promotes restructuring and structural adjustment among enterprises, eliminates outdated production capacity, promotes industrial upgrading, and ultimately achieves "smart coal mines, green mining".


★ Display of image and achievements of large coal energy enterprises, high-end energy and chemical enterprises, coal science and technology innovation achievements, technology and achievements of scientific colleges and universities, coal financial services, etc;
5G application technology, coal mining robots, high-end intelligent mining, informatization, mining technology, smart mine construction, coal trading center, coal e-commerce platform, coal smart logistics, coal warehousing, coal IoT technology and equipment display, etc;
★ Coal mining machine, tunneling machine, scraper conveyor, hydraulic support, single pillar, continuous coal mining machine, belt conveyor large-scale equipment, underground transportation technology and equipment display, etc;
★ Clean and efficient utilization of coal, coal washing, coal chemical conversion, coalbed methane, coal to oil, coal liquefaction, ultra-low emissions of coal-fired flue gas, coal quality monitoring and inspection, demonstration of clean heating technology and equipment for loose coal, etc;
★ Mining area ecological environment protection, mining area ecological environment governance, coal mining subsidence area environmental restoration, mining area air pollution prevention and control technology and exhibition, etc;
★ Coal mine safety warning monitoring and automatic control system, coal mine fire protection, coal mine safety production monitoring, coal mine communication technology, coal mine safety management software, underground safety protection technology and equipment display, etc;
★ Coal mine electrical equipment, mining explosion-proof electrical equipment, rescue equipment, mining instruments and meters, power supply and distribution, wires and cables, mining water pumps, mining fans, valves, pipelines, drainage technology, mining transportation vehicles, open-pit mining engineering machinery, engineering vehicles, used mining equipment, coal mining equipment e-commerce platform, mining equipment rental platform display, etc;

Costs & Precautions

Please contact the exhibition organizer before participating in the exhibition to confirm.

2025 Shandong International Coal Mine Safety Production and Intelligent Technology Equipment Exhibition - www.globalomp.com

2025 Shandong International Coal Mine Safety Production and Intelligent Technology Equipment Exhibition - www.globalomp.com


  • Telephone:021-56177795、59766301
  • Fax:021-51069101
  • E-mail:kunhuiexpo@163.com
  • Address:Intersection of Second Ring West Road and Rizhao Road


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