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The 2024 China Western Hospital Expo will be held in the Chengdu Chongqing Twin Cities

Biology / Medicine / Health


2024/03/30 - 03/31 (Sat To Sun Total 2 Days)    Error Correction


Sichuan Chengdu Century City New International Convention and Exhibition Center ChinaSichuan ProvinceChengdu CityWuhou District 198 Century City Road, Wuhou District, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province


Organizing Committee of the Western China Education, Sports and Medical Integration Expo


Chongqing Ganghua Exhibition Co., Ltd



The 2024 China Western Hospital Expo will be held in the Chengdu Chongqing Twin Cities - www.globalomp.com

The 2024 China Western Hospital Expo will be held in the Chengdu Chongqing Twin Cities - www.globalomp.com

The 2024 China Western Hospital Expo will be held in the Chengdu Chongqing Twin Cities

Time: March 30th to March 31st, 2024 Location: Chengdu Century City New International Convention and Exhibition Center

Time: June 22nd to June 23rd, 2024 Location: Chongqing Yuelai International Expo Center

Organizer: Organizing Committee of the Western China Education, Sports and Medical Integration Expo

Organizer: Chongqing Ganghua Exhibition Co., Ltd

Expo theme: Everyone's health, everyone's enjoyment

Exhibition background:

The 2024 China Western Hospital Expo, through exhibitions, technical exchanges, forum lectures, and face-to-face consultations, aims to deepen the public's understanding of hospitals, hospital construction, characteristic departments, expert teams, physician teams, nursing teams, scientific research achievements, successful cases, classic cases, smart hospital construction, hospital software and hardware facilities, integration of traditional Chinese and Western medicine, rehabilitation nursing, hospital culture construction, and hospital humanistic care Hospital logistics management, etc., in order to make targeted choices for medical treatment and receive targeted treatment! Specifically reflected in the following aspects:

1. The hospital insists on attaching equal importance to traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine, making overall planning and coordination, reform and innovation, pragmatism and hard work, inheriting and carrying forward the spirit of great medical sincerity and selfless dedication, courageously shouldering the mission of the times, grasping the pulse of development, inheriting the essence, maintaining integrity and innovation, and creating a new situation for the inheritance and development of traditional Chinese medicine with greater achievements.

2. Hospitals take advanced as an example, typical as a benchmark, results as motivation, goals as guidance, and demonstrate new atmosphere, new responsibilities, and new achievements in innovative practice. The current hospital is facing a major development opportunity, and traditional Chinese medicine is accelerating into a new stage of modernization. Carrying the historical mission of the new era firmly, inheriting and promoting the style of determination and action, the spirit of striving for excellence, and the perseverance of work and entrepreneurship, we will achieve better results on the path of comprehensive and coordinated development of medical education and research, gather stronger forces for the creation of Double First Class, and create more brilliant achievements for the construction of a healthy China and a strong Chinese medicine country.

3. With new achievements and breakthroughs, the hospital gives full play to the wisdom of Chinese medicine and contributes to the strength of Chinese medicine to promote Chinese path to modernization and comprehensively build a modern socialist country.

4. The hospital established an Internet hospital platform and launched smart service projects. Convenient measures such as appointment registration, mobile payment, self-service medication pick-up, in hospital navigation, medical record copying, bedside settlement, AI pre consultation, comprehensive self-service system, precise satisfaction survey, and health education have greatly improved the efficiency of medical treatment and patient satisfaction.

5. The hospital uses mobile Internet and Internet of Things technology to carry out remote medical services such as remote consultation, two-way referral, remote intensive care, remote image diagnosis, and expand the coverage of medical services.

6. On the basis of 5G, the hospital realizes multiple system applications such as smart outpatient, smart ward, smart ICU, smart operating room, smart medical technology, and smart logistics.

7. The hospital's intelligent ward, interactive TV, vital sign detection bracelet, disinfection equipment, etc. provide more efficient, high-quality, and healthy services for managers, medical staff, and patients, realizing the application value of enhancing the depth and breadth of medical services such as pre hospital emergency, remote ultrasound, remote consultation, wireless monitoring, mobile ward rounds, and positioning services.

8. The hospital provides patients with efficient and convenient information technology and intelligent services throughout the entire process of pre diagnosis, during diagnosis, and post diagnosis, covering mobile and fast services such as facial recognition and in hospital navigation on the handheld hospital platform, further improving the efficiency of patient treatment and optimizing the medical experience.

9. The hospital has established a remote medical information system and working mechanism connected to hospitals in various districts, cities, and counties, achieving multi-disciplinary remote consultations, integrating remote training and teaching functions, and reducing the travel of patients and their families.

10. Hospitals improve their level of intelligence in areas such as smart healthcare, smart nursing, and smart logistics, providing patients with higher quality, more efficient, safer, and more considerate medical services.

11. Hospitals adhere to the principle of development, explore operational models that lead high-quality development, and achieve more sustainable and efficient development; Always adhere to the principle of putting people first, gradually improve the talent guarantee mechanism, establish a talent development echelon for medical, educational, and research talents, and enhance the hospital's development momentum; We will always adhere to the principle of building a hospital through science and technology, continue to promote distinctive hospital culture, and let the spirit of saving lives and helping the injured shine with a new era light in the new journey of protecting people's lives and health.

12. Hospitals will fully leverage their advantages in talent, resources, and technology, continuously explore new medical technologies, improve service levels, and better meet the needs of the general public for disease prevention and treatment, making greater contributions to improving the health and hygiene level of the people.

13. Hospitals are strengthening medical technology research and development. Medical technology is the core content of medical quality and the core competitiveness of hospital development. Hospitals further standardize the three-level management system of medical technology, comprehensively sort out medical technology authorization, implement dynamic management, and maximize medical safety.

14. Hospital disease screening, expert surgeries, academic lectures, health education and other activities serve the grassroots people with high-quality medical resources, top-notch medical technology, and noble medical ethics, relieving the suffering of patients and benefiting people's health.

15. Hospitals have higher requirements for nursing services in response to the development of the new era and the health needs of the people. Nursing staff should practice the concept and belief of treating patients as family members through practical actions. High quality nursing should combine professionalism and personalization, and the nursing team should hold hands, shoulder to shoulder, unite, and establish the idea of loving the hospital like home, so that warm and high-quality nursing can take root and flourish in the hospital.

16. The concept of high-quality nursing services, nursing team construction, nursing professionalization, high-quality nursing in wards, humanistic care, nursing service effectiveness, new measures and highlights in nursing work should be established in hospitals to make high-quality nursing services practical and detailed, improve the quality of high-quality nursing services, create nursing brands with strong management, warm service, and deep professionalism, and enhance patient satisfaction and medical experience, Promote high-quality development of hospitals.

17. The hospital actively advocates the development of science and technology, clarifies the development goals of science and technology, actively creates a good academic atmosphere, implements scientific and standardized management methods, and improves research support policies. Widely engage in scientific research cooperation around the focus of hospital development and its own characteristics, and carry out basic and applied research that fully reflects the hospital's scientific research strength. Continuously improving research capabilities and medical technology levels, and promoting technological progress in hospitals.

This year's Hospital Expo aims to establish mutual communication and exchange ideas, spark new ideas for high-quality development, create new advantages for development, enhance the hospital's core strength, and jointly promote new breakthroughs and achievements in high-quality development of the hospital.

County hospitals have always been the main battlefield for the reform of the national medical and health system. On the one hand, county hospitals need to continuously improve their medical service capabilities, be good gatekeepers of county health, and on the other hand, promote resource integration and sharing, and give full play to the leading role of county hospitals.

High quality development of county-level hospitals and specific paths, with resource integration as the focus, to enhance the limited new efficiency of resources within the county, and to establish a new system of high-quality development through the integration of a close medical community and the Thousand County Project.

A new model of integrating education, sports, medicine, and healthcare, achieving information interconnection and interoperability; Expand new remote medical services; Creating new standards for regional collaboration; Building a new intelligent supervision platform; Bravely climb to new heights in smart hospitals.

The innovative model based on system, management, system, service, and technology promotes high-quality and sustainable development in core areas such as culture, core technology, medical centers, informatization, and performance evaluation, promoting the effective improvement of hospital strategy formulation and implementation capabilities, employee happiness and attractiveness, self innovation motivation, continuous improvement capabilities in operation and quality, and regional influence.

A grand event in the medical industry, opening up channels in the medical market, collecting cutting-edge market information, and leading target buyers to exhibitors at the exhibition booths to help explore new business opportunities and showcase corporate brand image. Famous brands gather together to showcase with high-quality medical channel suppliers nationwide. It is a platform for finding agents, new customers, understanding the market, and promoting brands.

The hospital exhibition gathers professional buyers from around the world who are well prepared to purchase products and search for suppliers on site. The exhibition not only provides opportunities for many international brands to enter the Chinese and Asian markets, but also brings a global procurement platform to the Chinese market

A platform for releasing new medical products and promoting new technologies, providing opportunities for brand building promotion and increasing industry awareness, paying attention to real-time hot topics in the industry, showcasing cutting-edge products, technologies, and innovative solutions, gathering industry authorities and experts, monitoring future development trends, and leading the industry to continuously break through and upgrade. Continuously exploring new markets, fully covering existing channels, continuously optimizing and upgrading, and accurately grasping the trends of the medical market.

Exhibition schedule:

Chengdu (Chengdu Century City New International Convention and Exhibition Center)

Time: March 30th to March 31st, 2024 Location: Chengdu Century City New International Convention and Exhibition Center

Exhibition setup time: March 29, 2024 8:30-24:30

Exhibition time: March 30th to March 31st, 2024, 9:00-17:30

Dismantling time: March 31, 2024 at 17:30 pm

Chongqing (Chongqing Yuelai International Expo Center)

Time: June 22nd to June 23rd, 2024 Location: Chongqing Yuelai International Expo Center

Exhibition setup time: June 21, 2024 8:30-24:30

Exhibition time: June 22nd to June 23rd, 2024, 9:00-17:30

Dismantling time: June 23, 2024 at 17:30 pm

Professional audience invitation:

Professional visitors from hospitals, agents, distributors, brand merchants, nursing homes, channel merchants, hospitals, maternal and child health centers, medical institutions, pharmacies, community health service centers, pharmaceutical chain supermarkets, import and export traders, rehabilitation centers, nursing centers, high-end medical service institutions, various countries in China, various countries in China distribution institutions, blood stations, disease control centers, laboratories, medical schools, medical and health institutions, rehabilitation nursing centers, maternal and child health centers, high-end medical service institutions, pharmacies, pharmaceutical chain supermarkets, blood stations, disease control centers, scientific research units, universities, etc.

Health personnel: employees of hospitals, grassroots medical and health institutions, professional public health institutions, and other medical and health institutions, including health technicians, rural doctors and health workers, other technical personnel, management personnel, and workers.

Health technical personnel: practicing physicians, practicing assistant physicians, registered nurses, pharmacists (scholars), laboratory technicians (scholars), imaging technicians (scholars), health supervisors, and interns (pharmacists, nurses, technicians) and other health professionals. The categories of practicing physicians are divided into four categories: clinical, traditional Chinese medicine, oral, and public health. Chief pharmacist, deputy chief pharmacist, chief pharmacist, pharmacist, pharmacist, and pharmacist. Inspection technician and imaging technician. Chief technician, deputy chief technician, supervising technician, technician, technician. Inspector (Technician) Director Inspector, Deputy Director Inspector, Supervisor Inspector, Inspector, Inspector, Inspector. Other health technicians include novice doctors, nurses, technicians, and other health professionals. Other technicians refer to non health professionals engaged in technical work such as medical device repair, health promotion, scientific research, and teaching. A staff member who bears leadership responsibilities or management tasks. Including personnel engaged in business management work such as healthcare, disease control, health supervision, medical research and teaching; Personnel mainly engaged in administrative management work such as party and government, personnel, finance, information, security, etc. Workforce skilled personnel are personnel responsible for skill operation and maintenance, logistics support services, and other responsibilities. Skilled workers, nurses, pharmacists, inspectors, fee collectors, registrars, etc., as well as experimenters, technicians, research interns, economists, accountants, and statisticians. Health supervisors, rural doctors, etc.

The general public visits and consults, providing targeted and selective consultations for themselves and their families, and seeking medical treatment.

Forum activities:

At this year's Hospital Expo, a series of forum summits, special promotion meetings, cross-border e-commerce festivals, medical industry procurement conferences, and innovation driven high-quality development forums for county-level and municipal hospitals will also be held, as well as forums for outstanding hospital deans in central and western China

Exhibition promotion:

Online media: Today's Headlines, Tencent, Phoenix, Sohu, Sina, NetEase, Baidu, etc.

Integrated media: West China Urban Daily, Chengdu Business Daily, Chongqing Morning News, Chongqing Business Daily, Chongqing Evening News and other integrated media promotion and reporting.

Radio stations: Sichuan TV, Chongqing TV, Chongqing Radio.

Transportation: Chengdu and Chongqing light rail, subway advertising, bus advertising.

Mobile: WeChat, Weibo, self media, new media.

DM direct advertising: located in major commercial districts, high-end shopping malls, high-end office buildings, subway stations, parking lots, high-end residential areas, etc. in Chengdu and Chongqing

Telephone invitation: Key invitations include government officials, civil servants, private enterprise owners, private car owners, VIP customers of communication companies, banks, and large shopping malls, VIP members of golf clubs and large clubs, members and passengers of major airlines, in-service leaders and employees with economic strength in schools, hospitals, troops, research institutes, and large and medium-sized enterprises and institutions, as well as retired employees, elderly associations, white-collar workers, investors, and so on.

Database invitation: Telephone invitation to visit the database of attendees from previous exhibitions.

The 2024 China Western Hospital Expo will be held in the Chengdu Chongqing Twin Cities - www.globalomp.com

The 2024 China Western Hospital Expo will be held in the Chengdu Chongqing Twin Cities - www.globalomp.com


Exhibition scope:

1. Characteristic hospitals: comprehensive hospitals, traditional Chinese medicine hospitals, integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine hospitals, ethnic medicine hospitals, specialized hospitals, and rehabilitation hospitals.

2. Maternal and Child Health Hospital.

3. Community health service centers and stations. 4. Central Health Centers, Township Health Centers, and Street Health Centers.

5. Sanatorium.

6. Comprehensive Outpatient Department, Specialized Outpatient Department, Traditional Chinese Medicine Outpatient Department, Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Outpatient Department, and Ethnic Medicine Outpatient Department.

7. Central health centers, township health centers, and street health centers;

8. Clinics, traditional Chinese medicine clinics, ethnic medicine clinics, health centers, clinics, healthcare centers, and health stations;

9. Village health room (office);

10. First aid centers and stations;

11. Clinical Laboratory Center;

12. Specialized Disease Prevention and Control Institutes, Specialized Disease Prevention and Control Institutes, Specialized Disease Prevention and Control Stations;

13. Nursing homes and stations;

14. Special hospitals: stomatological hospital, ophthalmic hospital, otorhinolaryngological hospital, tumor hospital, cardiovascular hospital, chest hospital, hematological hospital, maternity (department) hospital, hepatoenterological hospital, children's hospital, psychiatric hospital, infectious disease hospital, dermatological hospital, tuberculosis hospital, leprosy hospital, occupational disease hospital, orthopedic hospital, rehabilitation hospital, plastic surgery hospital, beauty hospital and other special hospitals, Traditional Chinese Medicine specialized hospitals, various specialized disease prevention and treatment hospitals, etc.

15. Other medical and health institutions such as sanatoriums, clinical testing centers, medical research institutions, in-service medical education institutions, medical examination centers, talent exchange centers, statistical information centers, etc.

16. Medical universities, vocational schools, university medical majors, nursing schools, pharmacy schools, and other medical schools.

17. Medical equipment, testing equipment, pharmaceutical products, rehabilitation care products, health products, medical beauty products, food and medicine homologous products, health and wellness products, traditional Chinese medicine, Western medicine and Western medicine, etc.

Costs & Precautions

Please contact the exhibition organizer for implementation before participating in the exhibition.

The 2024 China Western Hospital Expo will be held in the Chengdu Chongqing Twin Cities - www.globalomp.com


  • Telephone:15923519466
  • Truename:Teacher Feng
  • Mobile:15923519466
  • Address:198 Century City Road, Wuhou District, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province


The information on this site comes from the network and related members, and the website has done its duty to review it. Due to the uncontrollability of the process of organizing the exhibition, some of the exhibition information in the station may change the subject matter, Extending or cancelling the event, please exhibitors and visitors must check with each other again before exhibiting! All the exhibitions in this site are not hosted/co-organized or organized, if there are any disputes during the exhibition, please hold the main responsibility of the exhibition organization! QQ Email: 523138820@qq.com WeChat: 523138820 Mobile: 15313206870


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