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China Open Market: 2024 China (Xiamen) International Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Industry Expo

Biology / Medicine / Health


Once a year


2024/05/24 - 05/26 (Fri To Sun Total 3 Days)    Error Correction


Fujian Xiamen International Convention and Exhibition Center ChinaFujian ProvinceXiamen CitySiming District No. 198 Huizhan Road, Siming District, Xiamen City


China National Health Association


Yiwu Haichuang Exhibition Co., Ltd. Xiamen Qianbang Exhibition Co., Ltd


China Open Market Dahao Expo



China Open Market: 2024 China (Xiamen) International Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Industry Expo - www.globalomp.com

China Open Headlines: The 2024 China (Xiamen) International Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Industry Expo will be grandly opened from May 24th to 26th, 2024 at the Xiamen International Convention and Exhibition Center in China. Welcome to sign up and participate!

China Open Market: 2024 China (Xiamen) International Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Industry Expo - www.globalomp.com

China Open Market: 2024 China (Xiamen) International Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Industry Expo - www.globalomp.com


China Open Market: 2024 China (Xiamen) International Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Industry Expo - www.globalomp.com

Costs & Precautions

China Open Market: 2024 China (Xiamen) International Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Industry Expo - www.globalomp.com

China Open Market: 2024 China (Xiamen) International Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Industry Expo - www.globalomp.com

China Open Market: 2024 China (Xiamen) International Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Industry Expo - www.globalomp.com


  • Company:Yiwu Haichuang Exhibition Co., Ltd. Xiamen Qianbang Exhibition Co., Ltd
  • Telephone:15205796082
  • Truename:Hu Hai
  • Mobile:15205796082
  • E-mail:410357487@qq.com
  • Address:Xiamen International Convention and Exhibition Center


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