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2021 China northeast culture and technology revitalization Expo

Comprehensive / Cross-industry


2021/07/23 - 07/25 (Fri To Sun Total 3 Days)    Error Correction


Changchun · Jilin Changchun Agricultural Expo Park ChinaJilinChangchun 4775 Jingyue street, Jingyue Tourism Development Zone


Changchun Agricultural Expo Park, Jilin Jianshang vision culture media Co., Ltd


Baihui Hongzhan culture media Jilin Co., Ltd., naughty cat culture media (Jilin Province) Co., Ltd., Jilin Sanmu culture media Co., Ltd



(1) Themes
Enabling industry and cultural power
(2) Purpose
We will integrate culture, science and technology with education to create the most influential brand exhibition of culture, innovation, science and technology education in the three northeastern provinces, accelerate the promotion of the strategic policy of cultural power, and truly realize cultural self-confidence.
(3) Objectives
Adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping's Thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, adhere to the road of cultural development of socialism with Chinese characteristics, stimulate the cultural innovation and creativity of the whole nation, and build a strong socialist cultural country. Cultural industry has both ideological and market attributes, but ideological attributes are essential attributes. The cultural science and Technology Expo must adhere to the correct guidance and innovation to ensure the sustainable and healthy development of the cultural industry.
Since the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, northeast culture has developed rapidly, showing unprecedented vitality, and will continue to have a huge space for development. At the same time, the development of culture and science and technology is further integrated, and the "chemical reaction" produced by cultural creativity and scientific and technological innovation not only brings new changes in the cultural field, but also injects new momentum into the social economy; it not only brings collision and agitation of ideas, but also provides new plans and paths for reform and development.
Through the cultural science and Technology Expo, we can better inherit the traditional cultural symbols of the northeast, tap the cultural potential of the Northeast in the new era, speed up the pace of regional cultural confidence, help implement the "14th five year plan" and start a new journey of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way, and pay tribute to the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China.
5、 Invitation to attend the meeting
Invite leaders of relevant departments of Changchun City; invite well-known enterprises, e-commerce platforms, online and offline education institutions related to culture, innovation and technology inside and outside the province; invite short videos, live broadcast platforms and online celebrities to enter the exhibition; invite business groups and professional purchasers from surrounding areas; invite colleges, universities and scientific research institutions in the province; invite well-known experts and scholars to participate; mobilize the general public and society People from all walks of life attended the meeting.
6、 Exhibition content
The exhibition mode of combination of online and offline is implemented in this exhibition. A total of 20000 square meters of indoor exhibition area and more than 10000 square meters of outdoor exhibition area will be set up, with a total area of more than 30000 square meters. It will be divided into four parts: creative culture and Intangible Cultural Heritage Inheritance, intelligent technology, innovation education and automobile theme culture street.


Costs & Precautions

Indoor Pavilion booth price:

Bare land: 300 yuan / m2 (from 27 m2)

Standard booth (9 square meters): 3000 yuan / piece

Double standard booth (18 square meters): 5500 yuan / piece

Outdoor booth price:

Bare land: 50 yuan / m2 (from 54 m2)

Exhibition scope:20210416164434409_s.jpg

Advertising expenses

the measure of area: 30000 square metersscale: indoor 20000 square meters, outdoor 10000 square meters


  • Telephone:0431-82271588、0431-82271599
  • Truename:Korea
  • Mobile:18104305778、13756862565
  • E-mail:3438189991@qq.com
  • Address:2950 Jingyue street, Changchun City, Jilin Province (first floor of Zhongchuang building)


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