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  • Agrokomplex vystavn í ctvo Nitra
    Country / Region:Slovakia
    Address: NITRA, State Enterprise, Exhibition 4, SK-949 01 Nitra, Slovak Republic
    Area:95792 Square Meters
    Introduction:Nitra Convention and Exhibition Center is located in Nitra, Slovakia. Its exhibition hall covers an area of 143 hectares, of which the exhibition area is 95.792 square meters.
    Country / Region:United States
    Address: 3150 Paradise Road Las Vegas, NV89109 USA
    Area:300000 Square Meters
    Introduction:The Las Vegas International Convention and Exhibition Center is currently one of the most advanced multi-purpose venues
  • Tampa Convention Center
    Country / Region:U.S.A
    Address: 333 S Franklin St, Tampa, FL 33602
    Area:60000 Square Meters
    Introduction:Tampa Convention and Exhibition Center is located in the beautiful riverside of Florida. It has an area of 60000 square meters, 36 flexible meeting rooms and a banquet hall.
  • Ohannesburg Conference & Exhibition Center
    Country / Region:South Africa
    Address: Cnr Nasrec & Rand Show, Johannesburg, 2000
    Area:250000 Square Meters
    Introduction:Johannesburg Exhibition Center is located in Midland, Johannesburg, South Africa. It is one of the largest conference and exhibition venues in Africa. It has a total exhibition area of 250000 square m...
  • Bilbao Exhibition Centre
    Country / Region:Spain
    Address: Azkue 1, 48902 Ansio-Barakaldo, Spain
    Area:150000 Square Meters
    Introduction:Bilbao Exhibition Center is located in the center of Bilbao, Spain. It has 150000 square meters of exhibition space. The center is divided into three halls.
  • Expo Centre at Krasnaya presnya, Moscow
    Country / Region:Russia
    Address: Moscow, Krasnoyarsk
    Area:1500000 Square Meters
    Introduction:To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the company's founding in 2009, Moscow Ruby Exhibition Center expocentre at Krasnaya presnya can imagine its leading position in the international trade exhibition...
  • Mayflower Park
    Country / Region:Britain
    Address: Mayflower Park/Town Quay, Southampton SO15 1AG
    Area:10000 Square Meters
    Introduction:Mayflower park is located in Southampton, UK, covering an area of 10000 square meters, with beautiful environment. The area includes cafes, skating rinks, recreation areas and swimming pools, as well...
  • Parc des Expositions Du WACKEN
    Country / Region:France
    Address: Dresden Street 67000 Strasbourg
    Area:50000 Square Meters
    Introduction:Strasbourg Convention and Exhibition Center is located in Strasbourg, France, with a total area of 50000 square meters.
  • Cannes old port and Pierre Cantor port
    Country / Region:France
    Address: Cannes, France
    Area:200000 Square Meters
    Introduction:Cannes port is located in Cannes, France, covering a total area of 200.000 square meters, all of which are open-air display areas. Cannes port is a conference center in Cannes France, in order to hold...
  • Sri Lanka Exhibition & Convention Centre
    Country / Region:Sri Lanka
    Address: 12, D.R.Wijewarden Mawath, Colombo
    Area:40000 Square Meters
    Introduction:Sri Lanka Convention and Exhibition Center is located in the center of Colombo, Sri Lanka. With an area of 40000 square meters, it can hold various activities, trade exhibitions, seminars, conferences...


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